Your favourite roleplay genres?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by SteerYourFate, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Ottoman

    Ottoman Newcomer Game Owner

    Heavy on sci-fi, dabbling a lot more in fantasy as I get older. Got started with modern stuff way back when, and would like to get back to it some time.
  2. Plato
    Caffeine Fix

    Plato Newcomer Game Owner

    Hmm. I enjoy anything fantasy or nonrealistic just because super mundane roleplay gets repetitive for me. I like some animal rolaplays and animanga roleplays too. Sometimes fandom roleplays, especially if they have a fresh take or a spin to the franchise they are based on. To agree with Ottoman, I prefer Sci-fi and fantasy usually.
  3. Afro-Circus

    Afro-Circus Newcomer Game Owner

    I tend to lean more toward fantasy genres like Harry Potter and Marvel/DC, though I'm currently becoming more and more fascinated by slice of life, modern day/traditional, or animal RPGs. I've never been a part of one like that before, but I'm wondering whether it might be time to branch out and see how it goes! xD
  4. royal_poet

    royal_poet Newcomer Game Owner

    I love fantasy and science fiction roleplays the most, but I recently did some cyberpunk and that was a lot of fun too.
  5. Tetris

    Tetris Fresh Blood

    I enjoy dark, supernatural, fantasy and kink. I have not been able to get into a modern real-life one too much.
  6. Louis

    Louis Newcomer

    Realistic Medieval FFRP with a basic context that allows creative license.
  7. North

    North Newcomer

    Fantasy is my favorite. Typically low fantasy or original worlds, but also urban fantasy(supernatural/fairytales), somewhat historical, medieval, and so on.

    I do like sci-fi as well. But basically anything original I prefer over fandoms
  8. NyxDarklore

    NyxDarklore Newcomer Game Owner

    I've roleplayed in many genres - from real life to fantasy to supernatural to scifi and more than that. I've also roleplayed in fandom and original universes. My favourite will always be original medieval fantasy, however.
  9. caporushes
    Caffeine Fix

    caporushes Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm a big fantasy fan, but I could get into the right kind of scifi setting. (I love space operas and stuff, but I have yet to find a setting that really scratches that Farscape-esque itch, you know?) I supposed it would be more accurate to say that re: scifi I'm more into the "science fantasy" end of things... So it all comes back to fantasy... haha! I think the only genre/broad category I'm TRULY uninterested in is like, small town RL-type stuff. In fact, if it's going to be RL, I'd rather it be historical or something... Which, again, is sort of coming back to fantasy. I'm nothing if not consistent!
  10. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    I mostly enjoy fantasy, particularly fantasy with a historical or historical-esque setting. However, I'm also fond of historical and dystopian roleplay. When I'm in the right mood, I also like things set in boarding schools, though it always has to have something a little extra, like a haunting or a mystery.
    Pigboy likes this.
  11. Pigboy

    Pigboy Newcomer

    I like anything original. I have been known to get behind a fandom that I'm into though, like Star Wars if we're not allowed to play legacy characters within that framework, but otherwise I much prefer original fiction.
    Pegasus likes this.
  12. nyxnstyx

    nyxnstyx Newcomer Game Owner

    I like the freedom that real life gives but I also like a good supernatural or fantasy/diety type roleplay where I can play the Greek Gods/Goddesses!
    Pegasus likes this.
  13. yoloiam

    yoloiam Newcomer

    I do like free form and creative rpgs !
    Pegasus likes this.
  14. IAmTheNight1986

    IAmTheNight1986 Newcomer Game Owner

    Mine vary depend on my mood. Sometimes its just slice of life, or slice of life with a little bit of fantasy. I thought about trying to do a Stranger Things role play since that seems to be a happy medium between the two.
  15. Elysium Soleil

    Elysium Soleil Newcomer Game Owner

    I love historical fantasy type RPs... Mostly medieval era.
  16. DFedora

    DFedora Newcomer Game Owner

    My favourite is actually some classic fantasy, high fantasy, medieval-esque, all that. But I've only rarely found myself on forums like that! I guess I might just be incredibly picky when to comes to actually joining a RP forum in that genre, or busy with the others I'm on when I find one I might join.
  17. fiftyblackroses

    fiftyblackroses Newcomer Game Owner

    Definitely fantasy! There's just more room for creativity and I love incorporating magic with my character's development and using it for site events.
  18. ElusionRpStaff

    ElusionRpStaff Newcomer Game Owner

    I started with animal rps, but I now thoroughly enjoy panfandoms because a good panfandom has multiple genres that you can participate in and not feel limited by.
  19. nox7

    nox7 Fresh Blood

    I like so many genre's but I can never do real life sites, there's got to be something more to it. Fantasy, supernatural, scifi, panfandom, disney, I love them all.

    My favourite is survival, anything survival based whether its zombies, space, apocalyptic or deserted island vibe. Unfortunately I am incredibly picky with this genre. It needs to be done "right" with all the perfect elements for me personally. Because I'm so picky I haven't been able to play it as much as I would like.
  20. Kendra

    Kendra Newcomer

    I like supernatural type style sites and superhero sites best.