What social networking sites do you use the most?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Shriker, Sep 25, 2013.


What social networking sites do you use the most?

  1. Facebook

  2. Twitter

  3. Google+

  4. Tumblr

  5. LinkedIn

  6. Other

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  1. Brittlez

    Brittlez Resident Game Owner

    Mostly facebook
  2. Wow. I guess this is the new generation's version of "why don't people just talk on the phone", huh? :P

    I don't think I replied to this thread, though I voted a while ago. I said I use Facebook, though "use" is a strong word. Maybe I should say I have a Facebook. I never actually visit the site or use it at all. I guess I have a few of the others, too, but I somehow use them even less. I guess I just don't like social networking sites in general, though there are some I dislike more than others. Don't get me started on Tumblr.
  3. Facebook. Its easy to keep up with family.
  4. varos

    varos Newcomer

    Facebook. Used to use Tumblr but quit. I find Facebook the easiest way to keep up with friends and such.
  5. Wyvern1

    Wyvern1 Newcomer

  6. bluejade

    bluejade Newcomer

    hmm I guess im not surprised that Facebook has the most votes
  7. TheLadyLoki

    TheLadyLoki Newcomer

    I tend to use Facebook and Tumblr quite a bit.
  8. TSN

    TSN Newcomer

    Either tumblr or facebook, facebook mostly to keep in touch with folks and use it's messenger though.
  9. SolarisGuru

    SolarisGuru Newcomer Game Owner

    I only use Facebook, and it's not because I want to use it. If I want to stay in contact with certain family and friends it's about the only communication I have with them, so I keep it around. I'm not a big fan of social networking and I miss the days when the majority of people used forums (like this one) to talk to one another.
  10. I am definitely an instagram user. Lol. I use it mainly for my online business, so. XD
  11. GDStaff

    GDStaff Newcomer Game Owner

    Tumblr the most for sure. Facebook is honestly the only other social networking site I use outside of that, and even then it's just to talk to friends from high school and my extended family.
  12. cattigan
    Caffeine Fix

    cattigan Newcomer Game Owner

    I use Tumblr the most because reblogging is... well simpler than most other things. And Facebook, I mainly use for messenger
  13. SakuraCh4n

    SakuraCh4n Newcomer Game Owner

    Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr are my choices. All the rest, hum no. :P
  14. Trisfinn

    Trisfinn Newcomer

    I'm on facebook, twitter, and tumblr, though I'm not signed into my tumblr often any more. Or at least, not my personal tumblr. I made an IC tumblr for a character which amuses me more than my own blog.
  15. Chris Trips

    Chris Trips Newcomer

    Wattpad and Facebook xD
  16. Annastasia

    Annastasia Newcomer

    Facebook is the best case in my opinion since I can do almost everything every other social networking site does. I dunno, maybe I'm just simple.
  17. Michael Aravan

    Michael Aravan Commanding Officer Game Owner

    Has anyone said facebook yet? LOL
  18. ExodusRising

    ExodusRising Newcomer Game Owner

    Facebook by default I think hahaha and maybe snapchat/instagram but I left the twitter game a couple years ago
  19. AcrossTimeAndSpace

    AcrossTimeAndSpace Newcomer Game Owner

    I guess it depends on what I need is the social network I use. I use facebook to communicate with my family and friends. However, if it is something for professional use then I use LinkedIn to connect with them and make sure I stay connected. Then that allows me to talk to people in my field so if I need anything it will be easy to just message them for there help! I use tumblr more for just a RP stand cause it has tons of gifs and or ideas!
  20. madiebeau

    madiebeau Newcomer Game Owner

    Mostly Facebook, but I'd like to start using Google+ more. Maybe. I don't know. The only reason I Facebook is to look at funnies.
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