Movies What is your favourite '70s or '80s SciFi?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Max Shields, Feb 18, 2014.

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  1. Icarus243

    Icarus243 Newcomer

    Aliens, and Star Wars, most definitely. I watched ALIEN when I was six and loved it every since. I have a ten inch xenomorph figurine even. Though, the second jaw is broken. I own most of the Aliens games and the Colonial Marines Technical Manual. I watched ALL of the movies.
  2. Toclafane

    Toclafane Fresh Blood

    Star Wars, of course, and Ghostbusters, but I used to love Battlestar Gallactica. I remember watching parts of episodes while getting ready for school and waiting for the bus. The best thing when school was canceled, or I was sick, was watching the whole episode. heh.
  3. Shaman110

    Shaman110 Newcomer

    I would have to say 1988 Beetlejuice. Still one of my all time favorites.
  4. Amayah

    Amayah Newcomer

    The Re-Animator is totally scary..even as an adult. The Scanners is pretty good too for scifi 80's cheesy goretastic flicks.
  5. Alien is a classic, that pretty much influenced my childhood
  6. Atticus

    Atticus Newcomer

    Might as well add to this classic topic...

    Hands down, BLADE RUNNER. There's no comparison.
    Road Warrior... a classic, but we're entering the Apocalyptic genre.
    The Blood of Heroes... another Rutger Hauer masterpiece. Also apocalyptic. I tend to like that genre.
    2001: A Space Odyssey.... okay, it's 1968, but it was so ahead of it's time!
    The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension... haven't seen this? You don't know what you're missing.
    WEST WORLD... a robotic Yul Brynner, too cool!
    Silent Running... I cried when that little robot lost his buddy.
  7. JAnderson

    JAnderson Newcomer Game Owner

    Star Trek...hands down.
  8. Freid001

    Freid001 Newcomer

    Star Wars and Star Trek
  9. miami1984

    miami1984 Newcomer

  10. Hyrule Castle

    Hyrule Castle Newcomer

    I echo all of the Logan's run statements.
  11. Star

    Star Newcomer

    80's for me.
  12. Star Wars original trilogy.
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