TV The Walking Dead

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by VirusZero, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. cookiecutter

    cookiecutter Newcomer

    It needs to come back on! I miss Daryl :3
  2. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner


    But I'm getting antsy waiting for it, too. Time to watch the last season to get ready!
  3. Pisces

    Pisces Newcomer

    Daryl all the way. I'm only on season 3 so I have a way to go yet!
  4. lion

    lion Newcomer

    Although I got bored after the loss of the prison, I did enjoy TWD for awhile. The day they kill off Glenn is the day I stop watching the show at all. He's the only character I like lol
  5. clovis

    clovis Fresh Blood

    They make you like characters then kill them off right as they're getting development. => Robert Jerkman :(
  6. Atticus

    Atticus Newcomer

    LOST was really one of the first dramas that came out to put all the characters on the chopping block, it proved very entertaining and it seems The Walking Dead is following that same blueprint. What better way to create that 'edge on your seat feeling' than to put all the characters equally at risk? I've always liked the main character, Rick, so the model works for me. Don't get me wrong, Darryl's awesome! I've always been a fan of Glenn as well, but if they buy it, I only hope that it's not ant-climatic and so far I've had no qualms whatsoever with the writing. It's an excellent apocalyptic drama and I think it's depiction is fairly true to what society would devolve into. There are distortions to the reality at times but in my opinion it's always been a necessity to enhance a specific theme of an episode. Unlike so many other shows, they've also depicted the characters learning from their mistakes and evolving instead of doing the same stupid things over and over again just because the writers can't think of any other way to believably defeat one of the characters or cause mayhem. There is a very distinct progression and decline to each of the characters that has never felt 'forced'.
  7. remylacroix

    remylacroix Newcomer Game Owner

    I LOVE the show. Fangirl here.
  8. ButSheisFierce

    ButSheisFierce Newcomer Game Owner

    Yeah, I lost one of my favorites at the end of the first half of this season.
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