Preference for RP?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by cyclops, Mar 12, 2016.


RP Medium

  1. Forum

  2. Email

  3. Live Chat (IM or IRC)

  4. Live Meat-Space (Tabletop)

  1. Zioa

    Zioa Newcomer

    forum-based! I've actually never tried anything else.
  2. Yona Carlin

    Yona Carlin Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm a big fan of one on ones via Discord, phpBB and Nova. I actually got into Tumblr RP a while back and that was pretty neat as well. It's got this sense of being both independent and part of a greater network at the same time, very groovy.
  3. Ottoman

    Ottoman Newcomer Game Owner

    PbP forums for life. IM chat killed the first site I was on.
  4. Plato
    Caffeine Fix

    Plato Newcomer Game Owner

    I highly prefer forum-based. i feel like i can stay more organized and i love being able to customize my profile and accounts with images and using post templates.
    i have tried a few discord roleplays but they always tend to get too messy for me and i miss having individualized character aesthetics. It may have just been the few Discord roleplays i tried but those were my main dislikes. On the other hand, Discord roleplays are convenient and you get reply notifications fast and easily.
  5. Archivist

    Archivist Resident Game Owner

    forum based RPGs are also easier to go back and read when you want to.
  6. Elzeothis

    Elzeothis Newcomer Game Owner

    By order of preference:

    I love the written word, so for me that is the most important part. Plus, I am very wordy and hate character limits.
  7. Playerfiles

    Playerfiles Resident Game Owner

    Oh my ! I have been "around the block" so to speak.

    I would say Forum... and Historical Fiction is my favorite genre

    I started back in the AOL Hell daze in live chat rooms. I remember surfing the rooms to find that "good group" of fellow RP's. Spent many hours in that sort.... but when AOL started dying off, there was Skype RP, which I did not like too much... then came the forums... and that became a home base mixed with AOL chatrooms, so became Skye, the Winged Isle (StWI) that lasted 5 years.... The other Admins and I would "edit" the AOL chat logs to fit the forum posts... and great site to RP. And that went away, and I slowed my RP to a snail's pace... and bounced from forum to forum... and made quite a few myself which did not last long or even did not get started... and so cometh the present... I have decided to make my present site work, or quit RP altogether.
  8. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    Of everything I've tried, forum is still by far my favorite. <3
  9. soar

    soar Newcomer Game Owner

    Definitely forum based - if only because I tend to get carried away when writing!
  10. flea_rave

    flea_rave Newcomer

    i used to do live chat roleplaying, but there was always a lot of pressure to respond in seconds. didn't give me any time to think about my character's actions, either. i love forum roleplaying so much
  11. Lani

    Lani Newcomer

    I've only ever tried forum RP and I couldn't imagine using any other type of platform.
  12. fishbulb

    fishbulb Newcomer Game Owner

    Forums, for sure. I love to read all of the threads, even ones I'm not participating in.
  13. Kendra

    Kendra Newcomer

    Forums 100%

    They seem to be going a bit extinct which makes me super sad. I'm not a tumblr person one bit and I despise RPing on discord. To each their own, of course, but I personally love my forum with discord used for chat+plotting.
  14. RedSky

    RedSky Newcomer Game Owner

    Forum is 100% my preference. I do have a discord rp server, but only for a 1x1 between a friend and me.
  15. Pepper

    Pepper Newcomer

    I honestly believe forum roleplay allows for more freedom for the character and writer. I like both but prefer the forum play
  16. hitokuchiroleplay

    hitokuchiroleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    Proboards Forums or Discord (I love using the tupper bot)
  17. silvyfish

    silvyfish Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer PBEM and have been playing that way for a while now.
  18. Pox924

    Pox924 Newcomer

    I also prefer PBEM. I'm such an old dog when it comes to RP.
  19. white_sand_empire

    white_sand_empire Newcomer Game Owner

    Forum. I have found discord to be the worse personally. Far higher ghost rate, people don't read sheets or plots or worlds. But I do email and am not against social media rp.
  20. Navarre

    Navarre Newcomer

    I had started on MySpace and AOL but once I found out about Forum RPing I couldnt look back. Ive had friends who have tried to get me to join the knock off websites of MySpace but I just didn't click and it was easier to make threads instead of roleplaying in Direct Messages or 'comments' on profiles.
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