Preference for RP?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by cyclops, Mar 12, 2016.


RP Medium

  1. Forum

  2. Email

  3. Live Chat (IM or IRC)

  4. Live Meat-Space (Tabletop)

  1. TeamAS

    TeamAS Newcomer Game Owner

    I definitely prefer forum rpgs, but I have done a couple chat rp's before. I just like the organization and community that comes with a forum setting.
  2. LarxyAeria

    LarxyAeria Newcomer Game Owner

    I started off forums on RPGTalk. Then moved to my first Forum. It's the best way to track things and be able to go back and read your older post. There's more characters and groups. It seems to be more organized that way.
  3. Sammiie
    Cracking up

    Sammiie Newcomer Game Owner

    When I was younger and I'd just RP with my friends personally, it happened sometimes through AOL instant Messenger or Neopets Forums (which tbh I didn't really consider to be forums forums).

    Now, I prefer all the history to be somewhere that way it's available to be looked back on, so I prefer forums where there is an archive. :)
  4. Cypher

    Cypher Newcomer Game Owner

    Forums. I started on chats, but forums are my joy. They allow me to take my time, catalog what I've done with minimal effort, and to me, it's easier to do long form storytelling with callbacks since you can link to all manner of things you're referencing while posting. And if you want to have something similar enough to chat style rping, you can bust out some rapid fire posts to fill that void.

    Little bit of lag that way, but still there.
    Sammiie likes this.
  5. TheVineyard

    TheVineyard Newcomer Game Owner

    I would say forums myself! I like that I can wait to reply at my own pace and there is a instant log.
    Sammiie likes this.
  6. Ladyvictorian

    Ladyvictorian Newcomer Game Owner

    Forums 100%, I think people gave a lot of good reasons but mostly I enjoy being able to get to replies at my own pace without constantly having to keep up with a single 'thread'. Also that way I can have the same character in multiple smaller stories to just build up more around them. I always found chat roleplaying to be chaotic unless it's only two people and then I quickly get bored of that and move on to something else.
  7. Naen

    Naen Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm a forum user all the way. I like the writing. I like the discussion. I like the ability to control my own amount of interaction and the duration of that interaction. Definitely forums.
  8. ulla

    ulla Newcomer

    publically i only do forum rp, but i do live chat-style rp with some closer friends on private servers
  9. Forums 100% to easily keep track of everything.
  10. Kersare

    Kersare Newcomer Game Owner

    I've always preferred forums, but have RP'd via tabletop and through other mediums.
  11. Meow

    Meow Newcomer Game Owner

    While I go with forum roleplay for the easy access, I wouldn't say no to some tabletop roleplay. Have only done it once and...well, that experience was less than satisfying given the people involved were more about the quest than the actual roleplay of their characters which made it a bit weird for me given I was mostly there for the roleplay aspect...soo didn't go back and happily got my character killed because of it.
  12. Camy

    Camy Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer forums, but I've done AIM Chat when I first started. Then I found out that people roleplayed in Google Docs for one community I'm part of on dA. I love the slow lenient pace forums has since I don't want to be nagged or when I'm not feeling it, I can just wait for another day to post or so.
  13. tearian

    tearian Newcomer Game Owner

    To be honest, I'm not very picky when it comes to roleplaying. Gee, I started out just roleplaying with my sister with our cheap whiteboard and markers to draw our characters then writing about them on scrap paper. Now I just roleplay on forums, instant chatting programs, and sometimes mmos that have small roleplay groups.
  14. Sets

    Sets Newcomer

    I strongly prefer forums, just because that's what I grew up on and am used to. Chat rp sounds stressful to me! Plus I like to write things that are way too long!
  15. Veino

    Veino Fresh Blood

    As a novelist, I prefer forum RP usually. Tabletop is great, but I like the flexibility of being able to really write a story with other people. That's what draws me to RP and forum seems to work the best for that.
  16. Shinka

    Shinka Newcomer Game Owner

    I did IM and email one-on-ones waaaaaaaay back in the day, and I've seen a handful of Discord RPs but haven't tried them out.

    I largely do forum roleplays, but I got into tabletops a few years ago (D&D 4e, then Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, and now Chuubo's!) and then a Vampire: the Masquerade larp, and there's something very fulfilling about physically acting out a character.
  17. BlueDoctorMan

    BlueDoctorMan Blueberry Lemming

    I am the live meat space kind of guy. I do a nova game now and it's great, shout outs to the joshua norton, but I do prefer the games with my friends at the table. Or maybe even through some site or discord. It's fun to be directly interacting with others where you can just hear their words and the inclination of the voice. It gives the story a bit more realness for me!
  18. Elllie

    Elllie Newcomer

    Forums. As long as it isn't too big it's quite easy to get around. It's very organized, can be VERY pretty with certain codes and skins. And I've been rping on forums since I started role playing, so I'm very much used to them and using anything else just seems... weird.
  19. White Diamond

    White Diamond Newcomer Game Owner

    My preferences forums, it helps develop upcoming writers who are interested in narratives themselves, it also allows someone to gain a more broad vocabulary as well in forums post by post.
  20. ISSY

    ISSY Newcomer

    Definitely a forum. I love to see what others are writing and some of those other options don't have that.
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