How much time do you spend on your characters per week?

Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Shriker, Oct 7, 2013.


How much time do you spend on your characters per week?

  1. Less than an hour a week

    4 vote(s)
  2. 2-5 hours a week

    14 vote(s)
  3. 6-11 hours a week

    12 vote(s)
  4. 12-20 hours a week

    10 vote(s)
  5. 21+ hours a week

    11 vote(s)
  1. BritAlyQN

    BritAlyQN Newcomer

    I work 40 hours a week in a fruit packing warehouse, that gives my mind plenty of time to wonder. To occupy my time, I think about my characters,and what challenges they need to grow. I've gotten maybe 2 hours total roleplay time within the last 3 weeks, if your counting strictly roleplay. As far as writing goes, I write ideas down as soon as I can. Not all of them come to fruition, no pun intended.
    Elena likes this.

    WCARPG Newcomer

    Way too much, honestly. I have too many characters (I have 5 on my main board and several others that I play less religiously on a few other boards). Thankfully I work a boring office job that lets me think about my characters and even occasionally post, and my forum has a discord chat that I am abhorrently active on. No, really, I'm pretty sure I'm about 80% of the messages during the daytime since everyone else actually works while they're at their jobs and school!

    A week I usually average about 6-11 hours, but likely due to sheer amount of characters and the fact that two of them are 'high positions' that have to remain active. Some of my characters that I have less muse for sometimes fall to the waysides.
  3. Amanda M Roberts

    Amanda M Roberts Newcomer Game Owner

    My characters take up a lot of my time >.> They are life to me lol
  4. Seraphina

    Seraphina Newcomer Game Owner

    yeah.. I should probably ease off.. and I'm not sure if it counts that a lot of my time is spent on maintaining the site and keeping it But I try to do at least 2 posts a night.
  5. Legends Are Lessons

    Legends Are Lessons Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm actually trying to put more time into my writing. I've been taking my laptop to work to write on lunch before my brain is pudding after work. xD
  6. Dabony

    Dabony Newcomer Game Owner

    Too much time. Outside of the roleplay, I'm always imagining more stuff about them and constantly building them up.
  7. soar

    soar Newcomer Game Owner

    That depends! For some characters, I don't spend too much time on them, for others (read: favourite characters), I invest hours of my time in them and their development.
  8. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    I spend more time in the world(s) of my characters than I do in this one. 21 hours a week doesn't even cover it because that would be under two days I think? Most weeks, I spend at least five hours on my characters, but it's usually about nine. So approximately sixty three hours a week, no exaggeration.
  9. Pigboy

    Pigboy Newcomer

    I spend maybe far more time than is healthy. Does time spent thinking about your character count?
  10. I usually spend at least 4-8 hours a week on my characters depending on muse. Some weeks it'll be closer to 20 though. XD
  11. My husband and I are both nerds, and we are both nerds who like to focus on stories — so, we spend a *lot* of time even just talking together on our characters and what they are doing and what we want them to do in the future, and we bounce lots of ideas back and forth and help each other develop out characters.
  12. justin_polk

    justin_polk Newcomer

    I mostly play pbp sites and have characters in a campaign. The actual post is probably 500-1000 words, not long in the grand scheme of things. But sometimes different players can go back and forth and take several days to come up with a proper plan.