How long have you been roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Amorous, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Drew

    Drew Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been playing for... gosh, at least 15 years now. Essentially I've been writing longer than I've been not writing, which is pretty wild to think about!
  2. Pokemon

    Pokemon Newcomer

    I started offically in year 7 at school on a site which was all chatting about a certain book, i made my first site there to RP when we couldn't keep our rp on the orginal due to it being too "fantasy" based so I think that was about year 8 by then. From then on, ive been RPing in some way, shape, site or form ever since so thats gotta be.....13 years now? Well, about 13 and a half at this point
  3. IkateKedaStudios

    IkateKedaStudios Newcomer Game Owner

    I lowball at 10. I can't remember anymore. So I just use the point I started taking it seriously. Which was about 10 years ago.
  4. Grimscythe

    Grimscythe Newcomer Game Owner

    I started June 2003, and honestly it's the best thing I've ever done.
  5. LasValencia

    LasValencia Newcomer Game Owner

    wow, yes 19 years about for me
  6. Nia

    Nia Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been RPing for about 10+ years now. I've been on the current site I am on for seven years now.
  7. mystic by moonlight

    mystic by moonlight Newcomer Game Owner

    16 years which is like over half my life which seems crazy. I started on discussion boards at 13 not really knowing what I was doing obviously but it was fun and then I eventually transferred to actual forums at 15 and yeah been doing it ever since. I love it.
  8. I've been RPing for about 13-14 years now! I started off on a site known as Foopets because I kept getting random messages to join RP groups and saw that the RP forum on the site was the MOST active. Eventually, the site removed its RP forums and I moved to a different site and then again. Now I run my own site and love meeting other RPers
  9. achromatic

    achromatic Newcomer Game Owner

    I started in 2008 (on warrior cats, actually) and I was on and off, and around 2015-2016 I kind of got back into it but I joined a couple of sites that were supernatura creaturesl-based, and I've been getting into human/supernatural-based RPs ever since. It's weird though, because I still know a few people from my 2008-2010 days who also followed the same route I did, and it's weird that they've known me longer than a lot of my IRL friends have!
  10. amenities

    amenities Newcomer

    I started in 2003, back when most people had to RP in the chat sections of games oriented for something entirely different. I bounced around a few random game sites, eventually finding a connection from the website iSketch and landing on Valucre.

    I have resided happily on Valucre since 2007!
  11. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio Newcomer Game Owner

    I can't remember exactly when I started roleplaying, but it has to have been over 14 years now. The first place I roleplayed was Gaia Online and then it kind of kept going from there. I did recently take a pretty long hiatus from it, but now I'm back to it and so happy that I am.
    amenities likes this.
  12. Been doing this for like 11 years or so I wanna say.
  13. Cheshire

    Cheshire Newcomer Game Owner

    Less than a decade is the only time frame I'm sure of.
  14. StarWarsGC

    StarWarsGC Newcomer

    I first started roleplaying in 2007. I am now 24 and still going strong.
  15. mythus

    mythus Newcomer Game Owner

    Depends on the type of roleplay...

    29 years tabletop RP.
    20 years roughly forum post-to-play, though notably there was a long break in there.
  16. Teneo Lupum

    Teneo Lupum Newcomer

    I started in 1996ish give or take a year in either direction but have taken two very long hiatuses (think 8 years or so each time) but have been back at it for the last 3 years. It's one of those hobbies that is very hard to give up for good.
  17. Aisling

    Aisling Newcomer Game Owner

    oh about 20 years now... Its hard to keep track. I argue I was roleplaying back in the days of childhood with toys. if thats the case to be true, then 33 years.
  18. Fell

    Fell Newcomer

    I've been roleplaying since 2012.
  19. mythandmen

    mythandmen Newcomer

    I feel that the rp community, especially forum roleplay, has more or less stayed within a particular age range. Meaning...when I started rping 17 years ago, many of us were young, and now the majority of my fellow rpers are getting older like myself. I fear that forum roleplay is a dying art, and I get really excited when I see people new to the game.
  20. Plato
    Caffeine Fix

    Plato Newcomer Game Owner

    I probably starting roleplaying sometime in 2011 or 2012. I feel like forum roleplaying has been dwindling in recent years! ;c
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