How long have you been roleplaying?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Amorous, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Zahara Dessert

    Zahara Dessert Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been around and about over 10 years... had a couple off in and around things but I played table top games during those times as well...
  2. Elllie

    Elllie Newcomer

    I've been role-playing for about 4-5 years now. Quite proud of that. I've grown quite fast in my writing skills and being able to come up with great characters!
  3. White Diamond

    White Diamond Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been roleplaying in forums for about a good 4 years
  4. ISSY

    ISSY Newcomer

    1998. This is my Twentieth year. I started on AOL chatrooms doing The Lion King. Then I switched to forums and was in an Ancient Rome/Greece/Barbarian RP for many many years. I skipped around to find a new home after that and have landed in Hunger Games most recently.
  5. Crystalfrost

    Crystalfrost Newcomer Game Owner

    Almost ten years. Started when I was a lil' thirteen year old kid with a Warriors RP. How far I've come since then! (at least I like to think so :P)
  6. Kiva KJ

    Kiva KJ Newcomer

    I have been RPing for 13 and a half years. Seems crazy to put a number on it, but there it is, haha
  7. eleholly

    eleholly Newcomer Game Owner

    I am on my almost 12th year. I started on a Harry Potter forum a friend of a friend ran, and after that, I expanded into the world of modern fantasy. It's crazy to think that I've been doing this for that long! It's been a crazy ride, but I've enjoyed it and hope to keep adding to my number for many more years to come.
  8. Orion

    Orion Newcomer Game Owner

    Seven years, gosh!!
  9. Zahhy

    Zahhy Newcomer Game Owner

    I've taken time off throughout the years, but I started roleplaying in chat-rooms (MSN AOL, Yahoo etc) and using Geocities back in the early 2000s.

    I've also used Facebook Group roleplay which is super fun but now more difficult with all of their profile requirements.

    I did a few play-by-emails as chat seemed really difficult and intense after a while so I switched to Forum Roleplay sometime in 2012 and have never looked back.
  10. kipling

    kipling Newcomer Game Owner

    four or five years now, i think :0
    Zahhy likes this.
  11. Vermillion

    Vermillion Fresh Blood

    I've been roleplaying for around 11 and a half years now. I've been in and out of communities and fandoms, but for the most part I've never really lost my love for writing. In fact, my love for RP is what helped be decide to choose English as my major in college and now I've got a degree for writing lol
    Zahhy likes this.
  12. Zapy97

    Zapy97 Resident Game Owner

    I started just a couple years ago on a steam group doing a Space engineers RP. I have hardly strayed from it and it had quite the life especially since I was moderating it. It has probably been like 5 years at the most.
    Zahhy likes this.
  13. BobbyB

    BobbyB Resident Game Owner

    I started some 8 years ago, but I've had a few breaks due to real life and general suckyness of RP partners. I think if we take out the breaks, it's only like 5 or 6 years. It's a great way to expand on your own writing experience and it's often the only writing I do... I can write solo stories, but it goes a lot slower than I'd like
    Zahhy likes this.
  14. AsylumJax

    AsylumJax Newcomer

    A good long time now... must be getting on for 15 years
  15. YethorianDravinas

    YethorianDravinas Newcomer Game Owner

    Most people may make fun of me for this but I've been roleplaying since I was 6 years old. I started out playing D&D with my character I use now. And I am now 28 so I've been rping for quite a while with the same character. And I've loved all my roleplaying experience.
  16. meows

    meows Newcomer Game Owner

    ive been rping for like 12+ years lmao i first started on neopets of all places
  17. RP Collective

    RP Collective Resident Game Owner

    I've been forum RPing with the same community for 11 years in September (gosh, that makes me feel old) but RP'ing in general for a few years longer than that.
  18. SRWIgnition

    SRWIgnition Newcomer Game Owner

    Over 15 years now! Man, where has the time gone? I've gone from being a player to running my own groups and sites!
  19. SatoKigen

    SatoKigen Fresh Blood

    I've been roleplaying since I turned 14 or so... So a good 13 years and counting! Though I've been out of the PBP scene for a while. Just recently opened my site to jump back in!
  20. The Rebel

    The Rebel Newcomer Game Owner

    Hmm I think about 15 years.
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