How do you keep track of your threads?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Brittlez, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Azzie

    Azzie Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer to use the thread tracker option on the sites i write on. I typically don't do a huge amount of threads on one particular forum, so it works well for me. If I do write on a forum that requires dates, I will also do my individual tracker that way i can keep track of what happened and when.
  2. Elena

    Elena Resident Game Owner

    I use a thread tracker for the whole board (we call it board calendar) which means ordering in chronological story-time order the various chapters (threads) so that one could read them in the proper context. It also helps with not having the same person in two places at the same time :)
  3. I make a separate thread with I title "RP Index" Where I link to all of my rp threads, and also make place holders for stories that are still in the plotting stage so I don't forget about them.
    Elena likes this.
  4. slytherinwitch

    slytherinwitch Newcomer

    Since I always played in PBEMs, it just seemed natural to use the emails (notifications) as a means of tracking characters. Some members sorted further into folders, but I usually did not. As the emails were all dated, it was easy to respond to the oldest ones first and go from there. Most players did not have more than a couple of characters, if even that. Only a few of us crazier players ever attempted to write for 10+ characters in any game, but even then most of those were fillers only needed for specific scenes. Sticky notes? Yeah, for a while there I did have a paper notebook listing every character in the game so I could keep track of original characters and their general descriptions amid the many many canon characters.
  5. VarnishedTruths

    VarnishedTruths Resident Game Owner

    I use email notifications and thread trackers. The former for letting me know when there's a new post, the latter for finding old threads if I or my RP partners want to double-check something (or just take a trip down memory lane). I have a txt document with account names and notes about which account is who to keep track of that, because some of my characters don't come out very often.
  6. Dalibor

    Dalibor Newcomer Game Owner

    I keep a plotter-thread where I try to keep characters that I own and what threads they're involved in up to date, but my main RP forum is Jcink based, which has a "track thread" option that you can subscribe to threads and then just check your list in your profile to see if there are new posts or not. You can get notifications emailed to you for subscribed threads, too. It's very useful!
    Elena likes this.
  7. beccaday02

    beccaday02 Newcomer

    I could never RP on more than one site at a time! Far too confusing. I just stick to one site and have a tracker thread within it.
  8. Featherstone

    Featherstone Resident Game Owner

    I tracked them all on my "main" account, that is the one I have as an admin and that I use for NPCs. When I have to post as one of my PCs I switch, but at least I have a list with all my scenes.
  9. turnpages

    turnpages Newcomer Game Owner

    To keep track of when I have to post I subscribe to the thread or use the @ tag alert system jcink. As for keeping tracks as I'm posting I have a google doc to do list, and for reviewing purposes (to remember what my character did & who they met) I use a thread tracker post for each game.
  10. Corinthian

    Corinthian Newcomer Game Owner

    Between two characters and a mod account... I keep a little text document with a list of threads and whose turn it is, since I belong to a site that requires posting order. The big group threads get very difficult to keep track of, otherwise! And I feel faintly guilty if I keep anyone waiting for too long.

    Unfortunately, several of the other players learned that I do this and now I'm the go-to source for 'whose turn is it'. They know that I know! D: (Of course none of them made their own list. LOL)
  11. Lure Master

    Lure Master Resident Game Owner

    I don't keep track. I can tell at a glance what I.C. threads I belong to, a feature of XenForo forum software that I love.
    Elena likes this.
  12. VodkaSlushy

    VodkaSlushy Newcomer

    I always sub to them so i get an email when there's a reply.
  13. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    I have an email system that not only sends a notification that a thread has been answered, but also the body of the post. I use SMF for my forum, so you can subscribe to every thread you're in. We also have the usual 'latest' posts tabs at the top of the forum page and if I think I miss any, I can always go to my profile and check there. Lastly, I have a hand written diary of all my characters and the order I normally post in.
  14. SymonDrayson

    SymonDrayson Resident Game Owner

    Currently I am on games which use Nova so it isn't really hard to keep track of alternate characters. When on a Forum based game I tend to stick with just one character for ease.
    Mim likes this.
  15. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Symon you would so not like me Lol. I have something like 20 something characters which includes NPC's and that is just on my own board :game:
    Elena likes this.
  16. SymonDrayson

    SymonDrayson Resident Game Owner

    Well in the one I am running I personally have my main and then 5 linked NPCs, not to mention all the random NPCs and guest NPCs. :)

    So I am sure you would be fine in my book. :P
    Mim likes this.
  17. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Lol.....we'd probably be arguing over who is the craziest [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Added my own smilies [​IMG]
    Elena likes this.
  18. SymonDrayson

    SymonDrayson Resident Game Owner

    Nah, I accepted the fact that I am crazy as a loon long ago. :)
    Mim likes this.
  19. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    Strangely, those who claim not to be crazy are only fooling themselves. Lol. Without crazy we'd go nuts literally
    SymonDrayson likes this.
  20. SymonDrayson

    SymonDrayson Resident Game Owner

    Normal is boring.
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