How did you hear/find out about RPGfix?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Shriker, Aug 23, 2013.


How did you find out about RPGfix?

  1. Search engine

  2. A friend

  3. Another website had a link

  4. Other

  1. malavita

    malavita Newcomer

    have run across the name and badge on multiple sites.
  2. raoristeri

    raoristeri Newcomer Game Owner

    Have seen it around as affliates -- honestly thought it was a Warriors RPG tag. xD
  3. Llewelyn

    Llewelyn Newcomer

    I was told about this site!
  4. Sage_Xalcen

    Sage_Xalcen Newcomer

    Google. Just googled RP directories and it kind of led me right here.