How did you hear/find out about RPGfix?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Shriker, Aug 23, 2013.


How did you find out about RPGfix?

  1. Search engine

  2. A friend

  3. Another website had a link

  4. Other

  1. Secret_Circle

    Secret_Circle Newcomer Game Owner

    Hey, lovelies!

    I found this site through searching for some awesome RPG advertisement sites! I am so glad I did!
  2. Inkeh

    Inkeh Newcomer

    I looked up a place to post my site!
  3. BlueDoctorMan

    BlueDoctorMan Blueberry Lemming

    I fooound it through my rpg GM! Super happy about it though.
  4. windwolfr

    windwolfr Fresh Blood

    Google search for Forum based RPG directories.
  5. starfire

    starfire Newcomer Game Owner

    I also googled RPG directories and wish I'd found this site a while ago!
  6. dwshasta

    dwshasta Newcomer

    A friend from another RP Site. : )
  7. Tella

    Tella Newcomer Game Owner

    I was going through sites looking for directories to hopefully build my roleplay site
  8. InDireStraits

    InDireStraits Newcomer Game Owner

  9. Insomniac2403

    Insomniac2403 Fresh Blood

    yes ,i had search deep to find out the site
  10. TeamAS

    TeamAS Newcomer Game Owner

    I found it on Google!
  11. LarxyAeria

    LarxyAeria Newcomer Game Owner

    Google~ <3
  12. Cypher

    Cypher Newcomer Game Owner

    No idea, to be honest. I was digging through my bookmarks, cleaning stuff out and discovered I'd saved this site. And then I decided to sign up and discovered that my preferred username was taken. Surprised, I chose another username and discovered that my email was taken.

    Then I discovered that I signed up ages ago and disappeared, lol. So of course, I'm not going to remember when and how I found this place.
    Shriker likes this.
  13. insidexml

    insidexml Newcomer

    T'was the magic of Google.
  14. kaydrew

    kaydrew Newcomer

    I searched Google for RPG directories and spotted this place!
  15. Naen

    Naen Newcomer Game Owner

    Through a google search.
  16. Risalyn

    Risalyn Newcomer Game Owner

    I saw the button while on an advertising spree for my site and couldn't resist clicking for more information
  17. Sadrienne

    Sadrienne Resident Game Owner

    Via a google search. :D Was very excited!
  18. Solaris

    Solaris Newcomer Game Owner

    I found them by googling RPG Directory and then via Twitter.
  19. Zahara Dessert

    Zahara Dessert Newcomer Game Owner

    found you through another directory
  20. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    We had to move our RPG/Fan Fic to a forum based server after using yahoo for years and years - so I wanted to find other communities and advertising possibilities. The link to this place was given to me by a friend and fellow rper.