Movies Films You Can't Wait For

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by deliriums child, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. DBane

    DBane Newcomer

    I'm super pumped to see some full length trailers come out for the new World of Warcraft movie. I'm also pumped to see Thanos kick some butt in the new avengers :D
  2. pyrogod22

    pyrogod22 Newcomer

    xmen apocalypse
  3. SolemnSiren

    SolemnSiren Newcomer

    The new Hotel Transylvania, because the first one was kind of like my sister and I's trademark movie for a while. We are going to see it together when it comes out.
  4. Brittlez

    Brittlez Resident Game Owner

    I am really excited for Deadpool and the new Starwars
  5. With you on both counts! I'm also pretty pumped for the Warcraft movie. I didn't have the highest of hopes up until I saw the full trailer, at which point I begrudgingly gave in to my nostalgia and became excited. I still think it might be stupid, but at least it looks like it's going to be fun stupid.

    Actually, I have a lot of emotional and nostalgic investment in all three of those titles. Hopefully Hollywood can beat the odds and deliver three for three great movies. 8D
  6. As long as Deadpool works out, I'll be happy.
    lyrebird likes this.
  7. Brittlez

    Brittlez Resident Game Owner

    oh my gosh me too xD I hope when they finally show us the trailer for Magic the Gathering it doesn't suck and Jace isn't completely a whiny little... nvm I will be nice.
  8. Alphas

    Alphas Newcomer

  9. Star Wars :)
  10. Wyvern1

    Wyvern1 Newcomer

    World of warcraft movie
    Ammut likes this.
  11. TheLadyLoki

    TheLadyLoki Newcomer

    Star Wars: Episode VII and Deadpool.
  12. GDStaff

    GDStaff Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm looking forward to Deadpool so much. Going to see it on the 12th with friends and we're all super jazzed.

    For more serious fare, I'm excited for Scorsese's latest work: Silence.
  13. cattigan
    Caffeine Fix

    cattigan Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm already excited for the next Star Wars :D And less far into the future, there's X-Men Apocalypse, Ghostbusters, The Forest, Rogue One, Star Trek, Finding Dory, Alice in Wonderland: Into the Looking Glass... Wow there's a lot of good films this year..
  14. europeanlass

    europeanlass Newcomer Game Owner

    Suicide Squad ♥
  15. refelian

    refelian Batman

    I wasn't really looking forward to Batman vs Superman until I saw the last trailer - the Batman sequence at the start of it was phenomenal!
  16. refelian

    refelian Batman

    it looks amazing - loved the Queen soundtrack to the last trailer!
  17. Chris Trips

    Chris Trips Newcomer

    Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them, all Superhero movies, Warcraft and Assassin's Creed.
  18. refelian

    refelian Batman

    there's going to be an Assassin's Creed movie? How have I missed that?!
  19. Annastasia

    Annastasia Newcomer

    I'm looking forward to Deadpool and Suicide Squad (both of which I'm waiting to see with a friend,). The new horror movie The Witch looks pretty good to, but I might skip out since it looks like more of a suspense than any actual supernatural phenomenon...though I suppose that's what makes Horror Movies the best huh?
  20. AcrossTimeAndSpace

    AcrossTimeAndSpace Newcomer Game Owner

    lets see in this month we get batman verses superman, not really sure how ben afflict will be but ehhhh we will see! At least we get to see flash, wonder woman and aqua man. Then I cant wait for xmen, fantastic beast, and suicide squad!
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