Dogs or Cats?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Stormhelm Kingdom, Jul 22, 2016.


Are you more of a dog or cat person?

  1. Dog

  2. Cat

  1. theeflamehead

    theeflamehead Newcomer Game Owner

    Both are great, cats are better. My little guy Loki is laying on me as I'm typing this, so I may be slightly biased.
  2. Zioa

    Zioa Newcomer

    I want to say both! but in reality, I am a cat person. I do love dogs though!
  3. Legends Are Lessons

    Legends Are Lessons Newcomer Game Owner

    Dogs FTW. Aussies hold a particular special place in my heart though :D
  4. Nevermind

    Nevermind Resident Game Owner

    I'm both, but I definitely see the pros and cons of either depending on an individual's personality. Although I chose dogs since there isn't a "I love them both equally!" option, I currently have a cat and she's just the absolute best.

    Either way, whichever someone may prefer (or even if they like a completely different animal like a snake or bird or something), the amazing love and awesomeness that comes from having a pet is just the bee's knees.
  5. Somniac

    Somniac Resident Game Owner


    I need recluse time and most cats can relate.
  6. MeganChan

    MeganChan Resident Game Owner

    Always liked dogs better. Plus we always just had dogs since some people were allergic in our house. But been around cats before, but still prefer dogs.
  7. AfterDarkRoleplay

    AfterDarkRoleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    I like both. My sister has a puppy and my girlfriend has a cat. So i'm around both quite often. I prefer cats as they are more self-obtained so to speak. They can clean and take care of themselves for the most part and I like that about them. :)
  8. century old

    century old Newcomer Game Owner

    cats! we, sadly, had to put ours down as she was just way too sick, but still cats c:
  9. swiftyuki

    swiftyuki Newcomer

    I like both but I'm more partial to cats
  10. writerlimn

    writerlimn Newcomer Game Owner

    I love both, but in my heart I am a cat person. The right cat can just be the most amazing company. Also they don't smell to me, whereas dogs kind of do ...
  11. Krisper

    Krisper Resident Game Owner

    I broke the tie that was there! Dogs for sure... cat's are evil (and I'm allergic).
  12. I love both dogs and cats but I've always had dogs so I guess those are my preference! I would love to have a cat though one day.
  13. Major Tom

    Major Tom Newcomer

    I have 3 pet squirrels.
    Amber likes this.
  14. Amber

    Amber Newcomer

    I am a Huge cat fan tho I don’t have any, but don’t hate me I still like dog #ilovewarriorcats
  15. Tiko

    Tiko Newcomer

    I have never been able to answer this question! I like both for different reasons :(
  16. SpinMaster

    SpinMaster Newcomer

    Cats. I just feel better with them more than dogs. I don't hate dogs, mind you, but cats all the way.
  17. porkerberry

    porkerberry Newcomer Game Owner

    It has to be dogs!
  18. amenities

    amenities Newcomer

    Cats are better predators imo
  19. behemoth

    behemoth Newcomer

    I am a dog person! If I wasn't allergic to cats, I think I'd have one of those too!
  20. LasValencia

    LasValencia Newcomer Game Owner

    Hard to choose but I sayyyyy Dogs
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