Coffee or tea?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.


Tea or Coffee

  1. Tea

    105 vote(s)
  2. Coffee

    98 vote(s)
  3. Water?

    32 vote(s)
  1. cash

    cash Newcomer

    I love both tea and coffee equally. And now that I finally have my own espresso machine I can make my own mocha and all that jazz without all that sugar sugar. There's also a coffee place by where I live that makes some good coffee drinks like their Mexican late which is pretty much a shot of espresso mixed with spicy chocolate and the chocolate is very pure so it doesn't sweeten the drink at all <3

    I also have a mega collection of teas with about three crates full of it x3 can't stop buying them. Lately I've been leaning for white and green teas which is nice cause I have a lot of really nice ones too. Though oddly enough my favorite white tea is one I got from a Chinese pharmacy in Flushing.

    But yeah, I'm not effected by caffeine like at all (if anything it just me mellow or drowsy at night) so I guess cause of that I can enjoy the taste of either and not feel like I need it like the rest of my family. Can go through weeks with only drinking water.
  2. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    I voted water, which I drink a lot of lately but I used to be a hardcore soda drinker until it ruined my teeth.
  3. Krause

    Krause Newcomer

    Ahhhhhh, Tea.

    When I do drink Tea, I drink a lot of it in a very short amount of time and do so for days on end until I eventually just stop drinking it and forget about it for a while. I like Coffee when I have 8am classes and no sleep, but I don't really buy either of them for my home.

    I keep water mostly, trying to kick the habit of Iced Tea and Soft Drink.
  4. Danjeresque

    Danjeresque Newcomer

    While I love both, I'm going with coffee. With Bailey's. Yep.
  5. Spiffy

    Spiffy Newcomer

    I'm not overly fond of either really, but I have to say tea. I've never really cared for coffee in any form; Especially the smell. Sometimes I feel like the only person who doesn't like the smell of coffee.

    LILMANIA77 Fresh Blood

    Coffee.... as long as I have my coffee in the morning I can start my day... I also like to have a cup of coffee with my husband when he gets home from work because we are in winter here and it warms you up and gives you that extra kick...I hav tried tea hot and cold I do not care for it I wish I did though there are so many different choices. .
  7. Applegeisha

    Applegeisha Newcomer

    Always Tea, I can't stand coffee. Favorite is Spice Chai Tea Lattes ^_^
    GarynDakari likes this.
  8. Tea... so, so much tea.

    Possibly too much sometimes.
  9. Jcc0450

    Jcc0450 Newcomer

    Wait, You can vote for water?
  10. Helixagon

    Helixagon Resident Game Owner

    I'm British, and I'm about the only person I know who's not into tea. It's the only totally true stereotype about us. We drink a LOT of tea. If I do drink tea, I prefer it green, no milk (duh) no sugar.

    I do like coffee though, but I'm not one of those 'coffee people'. I'm sensitive to caffeine, so I gotta be careful with that junk. That said, I have an addiction to certain energy drinks. What can I say, I'm a hypocrite!
  11. HowlingInSync

    HowlingInSync Newcomer

    Coffee, hands down.
  12. Mayu

    Mayu Newcomer

    I can drink either really. I hate the canned coffee, but if its coffee at a cafe, I don't mind it. I've found it actually had more to do with the place the tea or coffee is made rather than the actual tea and coffee.
    There's a coffee place near me, and they make really good tea and coffee. I've stopped really going anywhere else since I like the ones they make the most. It's probably because they use a lot of milk/cream/sugar though. I would say I drink tea a lot more often than coffee, I only really drink coffee when I am tired.
  13. Kohana

    Kohana Newcomer

    I'm not voting! There isn't a both option! I really enjoy drinking tea throughout the day, even to help me sleep, but I have to have coffee in the morning. My employees know not to even look me in the eye until I have had at least one cup of coffee in the morning.
  14. Kaia

    Kaia Newcomer


    Coffee in the morning, herbal tea rest of the day.
  15. Rhythm

    Rhythm Newcomer

    Hot chocolate. Tea is only good, in my opinion, iced, and coffee isn't even a consideration.
  16. I liked tea so much, i bought the company.

    actually, I really did. I owned a tea business for several years, and recently closed it. I miss it terribly. However, My tea fix is well in hand. The office where my computer is parked is FULL of tea. I probably have enough tea to never buy it again.
  17. Stockmon

    Stockmon Newcomer

    I don't drink coffee or tea. I like the smells, but not the taste. Also I'm good at picking up flavors of things I don't like, so there is no mixture that makes it work. I went to some nice luncheon as a kid, where we all tried a bunch of teas to find one we liked... I ended up drinking water.
  18. Gypsy

    Gypsy Newcomer

    Tea all the way. Especially sweet tea.
  19. Eclipse

    Eclipse Newcomer

    Oh, dear, the famous conflict within myself, haha!
    Anyways, for coffee, I only like the aroma, and sometimes the taste. For tea, I like the aroma and the taste for sure.'s mandatory for life, so do I have a say on it? xD
  20. Maleficent

    Maleficent Newcomer

    Death before decaf! Coffee bringeth' life.