Coffee or tea?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.


Tea or Coffee

  1. Tea

    105 vote(s)
  2. Coffee

    98 vote(s)
  3. Water?

    32 vote(s)
  1. Zioa

    Zioa Newcomer

    coffee, or a really warm, spicy tea, like masala chai.
  2. Yona Carlin

    Yona Carlin Newcomer Game Owner

    Coffee. I love botz and espresso.
  3. Nevermind

    Nevermind Resident Game Owner

    Whichever I'm in the mood for, I prefer it iced. Very rarely do I ever drink hot coffee or tea. When I want coffee, a good cold brew is perfect for me. Typically, though, I much prefer iced tea.

    While I drink some form of tea almost daily, I have a coffee maybe 1-2 times a week. Good when I crave it, but I could never have coffee again and probably be just fine.
  4. Somniac

    Somniac Resident Game Owner

    Used to like long coffee rituals until I realized that intense burning in my stomach afterward was a little thing called Celiac lol.

    I mostly drink water these days, but I'll drink tea in the cooler weather ... warm my hands on it, and then wait until it's room temperature. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. AfterDarkRoleplay

    AfterDarkRoleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm a coffee drinker myself, if I'm honest. :) I don't really like tea. However, I don't think I can function without coffee in the mornings. :D
  6. century old

    century old Newcomer Game Owner

    tea! but only sweet tea from the southern united states-
  7. VictorG

    VictorG Newcomer Game Owner

    Nice hot green tea.
  8. coffee all day everyday. not really picky. i do like frappes & stuff but i'm just fine with a 1 dollar coffee from the micky dees haha
  9. EliteKilljoy

    EliteKilljoy Newcomer

    Ugh, both?? I really enjoy Earl Grey tea and specialty coffees.
  10. swiftyuki

    swiftyuki Newcomer

    Coffee has a kind of..meaty..? Taste to it? I prefer tea, it's fragrant and i like my leaf water
  11. AdAshtra

    AdAshtra Newcomer

    Coffee. It's an addiction. The caffiene does nothing to keep me awake but my psyche needs it.

    Cup before work. Two more cups before lunch. Another cup after lunch.

    Funnily enough, I've cut back some. Will I die young? Yeah. Will I have yellow teeth? Yep. Worth it? Hell yeah.
  12. writerlimn

    writerlimn Newcomer Game Owner

    Tea for me these days, usually peppermint. Green in the mornings. I had to give up coffee when I found out I'm sensitive to caffeine.
  13. Krisper

    Krisper Resident Game Owner

    Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.
  14. Cold brew coffee all the way.
  15. Major Tom

    Major Tom Newcomer

    Spiked with Romulan ale.
  16. Lavalais

    Lavalais Fresh Blood

    I'm not picky between coffee or tea, but I do like my drinks pretty sweet. I guess, though, if I had to choose, I'd pick tea.
  17. EssGee

    EssGee Newcomer Game Owner

    Depending on the tea, tea is more bearable, but I don't especially like any I've had, and I hate coffee. If I need a caffeine fix I go for soda.
  18. Sothis

    Sothis Newcomer Game Owner

    When I am at home, I will generally drink tea.
    When I go to cafes, I do order cafe a lot but it does depend on how good the cafe.
    I tend to find that coffee tends to be the safer bet when the selection of drinks are limited.
  19. Grimone

    Grimone Newcomer Game Owner

    Pfffttttt obviously coffee, its not even a discussion.
  20. Tiko

    Tiko Newcomer

    Tea all the way. I tried to get myself to like coffee, I really did. Gave it sooo many tries, all different kinds and mixes, just seem overly sensitive to the bitterness in it. It overpowers everything.