Coffee or tea?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.


Tea or Coffee

  1. Tea

    105 vote(s)
  2. Coffee

    98 vote(s)
  3. Water?

    32 vote(s)
  1. AsylumJax

    AsylumJax Newcomer

    Thats like asking do you prefer hugs or kisses... i enjoy both at different times!
  2. As far as hot drinks go its coffee all the way. But I also drink a couple of gallons of unsweetened iced tea in a week. Doesn't really matter what kind it is, black, green, oolong. I really like rose hip tea. For some reason I just can't stand it hot, though.
  3. RP Collective

    RP Collective Resident Game Owner

    Green tea is my preference but I really like coffee too, though I try to limit my intake.
  4. SRWIgnition

    SRWIgnition Newcomer Game Owner

    Tough choice! Coffee smells nicer, but tastes worse - Tea is the opposite.

    Being originally from England though, I've got to give it to tea, ultimately!
  5. Freya Storm

    Freya Storm Newcomer

  6. The Rebel

    The Rebel Newcomer Game Owner

    Both! I do drink coffee more frequently though. They are both awesome.
  7. Lilythe

    Lilythe Newcomer Game Owner

    Tea, hands down.
  8. pluto

    pluto Newcomer

    Why no both option?! D:

    Coffee. <3 But I love both.
  9. Rivfader

    Rivfader Newcomer

    Neither! I despise hot/warm drinks. Nothing beats something cold & refreshing.
  10. Paulpatine

    Paulpatine Newcomer Game Owner

    Coffee all the way. I can drink hot tea on occasion but coffee is so much better to me.
  11. LadyLeopard

    LadyLeopard Fresh Blood

    I like both, but coffee has something in it that my gallbladder doesn't like. I can drink tea just fine, so it's not the caffeine.
  12. Aloy

    Aloy Fresh Blood

    I drink both but prefer coffee
  13. While I don't mind coffee, I will say tea. Hot or Iced, I just love it.
  14. kismetdivided

    kismetdivided Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer water, but I'll take a cappuccino with a splash of soy milk (cuz it adds a little flavour) occasionally ♪
  15. Felix

    Felix Newcomer

    Agreed! Coffee until lunchtime, various types of tea thereafter. Can't beat a camomile or fennel before bedtime. ^_^
  16. Moejy

    Moejy Newcomer

    If I had to choose, I’d probably go with coffee of course.

    I drink both, but coffee is my go to
  17. Oh God,

    Living in Seattle, I am bombarded by coffee at every corner.
    And while I would call myself a coffee person as a result, it doesn't seem fair.

    Generally I dislike tea, but have found that the typical tea in oriental restaurants is great!
    I don't have to disfigure it with sugar and syrups and caramel drizzles and whipped cream and sprinkles and cinnamon and...etc, etc....uh...where was I?

    oh yeah, it's great straight out of the pot. Strange I guess that I don't like any other kind of tea.
    And I'm not counting Brisk. That's not too far removed from soda pop.

    And I drink nothing but water at work.
  18. Stardust Dragon

    Stardust Dragon Newcomer

    Neither. Caffeine messes with my medication and coffee's just too bitter for me. I do love a jamocha milkshake, though.
  19. Gibson

    Gibson Newcomer Game Owner

    I prefer tea.
  20. EliJenkin

    EliJenkin Newcomer

    I love me some good ol' dirty bean juice.