

It happened a century ago. In the Land of Tales, there lived a variety of characters, each with a story of their own to tell. These stories were documented in the master book of Tales which was kept hidden away for future generations. In the stories, good would always triumph over evil and love would always prevail as princess would find their princes, heroes and heroines would save the day, and happily ever after would ensue...or did it? What the stories never told was that not everyone in them got a "happily ever after", certainly the villains hadn't. But the chaos that started to brew wasn't the evil deed of  a villain who had a dastardly plan for world domination but instead by a spurned sidekick who had never gotten the happy ending he thought he rightfully deserved.

After discovering the master book's location, and with the use of a little magic, he planned to erase his story from it's pages and re-write it so that he was the one who ended up with all the glory. Unfortunately he was not at all skilled with spell casting and ended up erasing every story in the book which tore a rift in the veil separating the land of Tales into our world, the world of reality as we know it. With their stories gone, the characters of the Land of Tales began to invade the other world in spirit form and began possessing the bodies of the students and faculty members of Blythe Academy, a privet high school dead center in the middle of the rift.

In these fresh new bodies, the characters sought to act out their stories again to have them re-written in the master book to close the rift as well as restore their fates, a task that is easier said than done as the erasing of the master book has not only affected the lives of everyone in the Land of Tales but the parallel world as well as without these stories, children grew up not knowing the morals that each story taught and the world became an even crueler place to live. Everything was quickly starting to become unwritten and with it came the unraveling of reality. Now one has to wonder if every story can find it's happy ending once again or if the world is doomed to plummet into eternal chaos...