The Saga Of Solabren

Original High Fantasy RPG

 Nearly 4,000 years ago a new star appeared in the skies over Solabren, ushering in a new age of plenty and prosperity across the lands. In the thousands of years since the appearance of this new star, the vast empire of the humans has risen, overshadowing the civilizations of all of the other children of the Godlings and even the Elves, long ago created by the Forgotten. Most of the major land masses of Solabren have been colonized by man, with the other "lesser" races living amongst his ranks. Orders clash as guilds and townships battle bandits or even each other to find their place in the world, or simply to survive. But sentients don't only face one another in the great battle for life; they also face the numerous beasts and monsters living in the vast expanse of Solabren's wilds.
Welcome to Solabren. Write your name in the stars, traveler...