The Road To Eden

Fantasy Roleplay in an original setting

The Road to Eden is an immersive and original story driven roleplay forum. Come and join us in an extremely diverse world with many races and endless possiblities!

In a time remembered only through tale, a time when Humans were the only beings Spirit-clad, the Affliction came to our world from the Realm of the Stars, its power to crush us, until the omniscient Magi raised their City to the Skies, using the power of their whole to break the Affliction into millions of pieces...

It is said, then, that these shards rained down upon us, embedding the individual potencies of the Affliction itself into our world. Bringing forth from the animals the Faunans, and from the plants, the Florans, Humans had forfeited the right to be the sole bearers of the mantle of Spirit. But in our lust for reattainment, our selfish desire became our greatest curse, and we took to bestial slaughter, our prejudices marking us the very animals we sought to eradicate...

The Affliction was unforgiving in its punishment, our transgression too severe. We who became known as the Accursed, the Human carriers of the Affliction, fell into a cycle of death and degeneration of the Spirit, our Mantles cruelly stripped from us in our final moments of life.

But the Magi once more bring us hope, bring us sanctuary. From their City in the Skies, they watch over us, and with their Holy power, they give us peace. They rule from afar, but they are always with us. They keep the Affliction appeased and the Accursed safe. They are our leaders, and they are our gods.Read more: