The Menagerie

High Fantasy, Play by Post RP


We are a free role playing game with less rules and more freedom. After many years, a couple of hosts and a few different game systems, we feel that less is more. Players get to be truly creative, which in turn leads to more enjoyment in game. We have character 'talents' which is a measure of your character's skill and their potential when role playing and that's about it. We consider it just enough structure to keep things both modest and interesting.


The setting for the Menagerie is 'High Fantasy' which is best compared to Tolkien's works. Our adventurers share a desire for gold, glory, battle and/or personal accomplishments. All adventure focuses around the tiny town of Wistvale, a once small town which has seen huge growth in the past several years.


Technologically speaking, magic is rampant and steam power has not been invented as yet. The height of machinery is gnomish clockwork, ticking and whirring contraptions with a knack for spectacular failure.


Science is predominantly alchemy and is more magic than it is not.


The world is diverse, undefined and left largely to the character's and GM's imagination.

No word counts.

No lengthy applications.

Friendly players.

A world where you can create your own plot and adventures for your character or join those started by GM's.