Synopsis: Lenora was once a quaint but bustling seaside village, gaining popularity as a tourist destination in the late 80's. Every summer its fishing harbors and antique stores brought in visitors from the big city wanting the New England experience, but all that came to a halt 10 years ago when a flood destroyed the entire town. Or at least that's what we were told.
The town has been forgotten and only a dirt road through the forest and a single faded rusty sign mark the path, though very few people find themselves looking for Lenora to begin with. No one in the, albeit distant, neighboring towns seem to recall its existence, yet every year handfuls of people find themselves drawn to the village, all of which have disappeared.
Your Character: You're either human or have a single psychic ability (which can be undiscovered, weak, or blooming). For the past year your dreams have been haunted with the images of Lenora and every morning when you wake up, the craving and desire to be there grows stronger, until you're no longer able to fight it. One way or another you're going to find it.
The Conflict: Once you step foot into Lenora, the way out disappears. Every trip into the forest results in circles, straight back to the abandoned village. If that wasn't enough to worry about, strange monsters seem to be lurking. Rumors are that they're the former residents of Lenora, and that you'll become one if you don't escape, but those might just be the mad ramblings of the few who have survived Lenora the longest, and usually they're just as dangerous as the creatures that roam the streets.
Your Hope: Around the shambled excuse for the town are several intercom speakers, from which a man speaks on occasion, giving out a task. The task varies as does when it occurs, but if you do as he says, you're rewarded with food or other items that can make surviving Lenora much easier. Who is this man? Where is he located? Is he behind all this? Maybe he's the key to your escape.
Lenora: A Survival Horror RP in the vein of Silent Hill and Supernatural