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Wolfie has submitted a site to the directory: USS Tempest - A Play-by-Nova Starfleet vessel operating in the depths of the Delta Quadrant. Learn...
Thanks! I'm really excited to be here. Admittedly, I want to show off my game, but I love that you have to participate in the community before! lol
When I create a character, always start off with an idea of who I want and then build it up to a picture. To me, the voice isn't as important as...
I'm the creator of that Nova skin that was posted here earlier. Since then, I've developed a skin called Neptune...
Woohoo! Congrats, DeathKitten! :D
I personally have http://wolfie.xyz right now, but I'd love to get my hands on wolf.ie or emi.ly. hehehe
I only started writing about three years ago. My first sim was in Pegasus Fleet on the USS Viper, but I didn't really get into role playing until...
As someone who has basically "grown up" writing with Nova, I can't really imagine using much else for my own simulation. I've tried forum games...
I actually can't exactly remember how I found out. I'm pretty sure it was from a friend in Bravo Fleet like Aaron, but I've always seen this site...
Hey Aaron :P lol
I'm Emily, aka Captain Elizabeth Wolf, Commanding Officer of the USS Tempest over in Pegasus Fleet. I've been simming for about three years. I...