Welcome to RPGfix!
I use Open Canvas 6. It's a cheap alternative to Photoshop and I find it does everything I need it to do, with a simple layout and a bunch of...
I'm a huge sucker for anything acoustic. But my favorite band ever is Parabelle. A beautiful concoction of "Framing Hanley"s Kenneth Nixon and...
Wow, I had no idea! Myth was where I first started Forum RP and Lando did so much in helping me grow to love the community!
There was a site I used to be a part of called "Myth". There were a few different incarnations of this, including "Myth V: The Shadow of Let" and...
Hello all! I have been in the RPG community for over ten years now and only just decided to bring up my own site. Not only this, but I have also...
I found the link on Forum Roleplay (https://forumroleplay.com/) in their advertising 101 section!