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Vee has submitted a site to the directory: Valiant Hearts - Dragon Age 4 AU, Post-Trespasser RP that is driven by the members. Learn more about...
Vee has submitted a site to the directory: Licentia Reigns - The world is yours to take, what will you be, who will you create? Only you can...
Vee has submitted a site to the directory: The Conquered - TC is a medieval fantasy with Victorian era elements, and a wide open world. Learn...
Play by post forums are quite interesting, it just depends on how you run it, really.
I have... like 3 cats, 7 dogs, 3 rabbits, and 2 pigs.
I've closed RPs for various reasons, most often for drama or inactivity, though.
Sometimes I grab a title from the music I have going. Other times it's more of a poetic lyric.
Personally, for me, I can write on any software but as an admin I am currently only comfortable with using Proboards. Probably a downfall, tbh.
I could spend my entire life just creating worlds... Like, I love creating characters too, but worlds have so much more to create than characters....
I agree with all four of the stances, tbh. Certain sites have different requirements. Lately, I'm more a fan of sites that require one post a week...
I'm a writer and editor. It's super nice, I work from home. Currently my best paying client is a content creator for a celeb. news site, so I...
I can't remember the links, but there are so many that I was on and they died. Not all of them were forums, but some were... Tynastera is one I...