Welcome to RPGfix!
What, that's two questions? Maybe Dog was his favorite dessert? lol
My Google Fu has served me well.
I think I would have Andrew Garfield voice Johnathan Mills
Do you have a prized villain that you might fudge dice rolls for in order to keep alive? Mine is Sikarin Tsooth, a shape shifting spellcaster...
An English dubbing of the upcoming Dragon Ball Z: F is for Resurrection
My main character, "Firestorm" Johnathan Mills a pro wrestler by trade, but he also erm...games as a hobby. Yu-Gi-Oh being his specialty, any pen...
Facebook for me. I use Twitter some, but am often always logged into Facebook.
I have a few pictures I've worked on here and there. I got a nice list of them here
Die during a game? Yes. Most normally because the Game Master is tired of my shit and made sure the character died.
Coffee with a fair amount of whiskey in it!
Essentially it's competitive writing with the framework that the person is a wrestler. So, they tell a story while preparing for their matches...
My name is Allen, but mainly I go by the handle of Vastrix. I've been gaming in one form or another since the late 80's. Starting with play by...