Welcome to RPGfix!
Probably 22 1/2 years? It's hard to remember exactly when I first dabbled in forum or chat RP, and there were a couple of years before that where...
"I haven't been able to trade a pun for anything here yet... But maybe they just don't value my sense of humor." - Evelyn Augusta Bell, trying to...
I'm absolutely guilty of looking up name meanings, but lately I try to take them with a grain of salt and check the etymology / name history if I...
I had my universe-hopping mad scientist who regenerates (not a Timelord! just very VERY similar -cough-) end up in a new place with none of her...
I do it pretty rarely overall, but when I'm playing a villain, I almost always kill them off in the end. The only times I haven't are when the...
One of my characters was 100% a reaction to some problematic story choices in Doctor Who and how frustrated I felt by them. (Much love to the...
I started with console RPGs but I guess never really thought of what it meant that they were "roleplaying" until I started text roleplaying later....
I really only have the time / attention for one at a time. Usually something that has some idle mechanics but a handful of daily activities - a...
Definitely dragons. There are several dragon characters I play, and I enjoy having them sometimes 'forget' what shape they're in when they're in...
I have some of the fondest memories of the Gamecube. It was a cute little console, the controllers worked great (especially refreshing after the...
My history with the fast and loose nature of WinMX chat RP in the early 2000s, and years in the RhyDin community after that, has made me really...
I make maps! Which is an exciting way of saying I research property records, update some tables, and occasionally move some points and lines around.
We have two cats, a tortie and a gray shorthair. The gray one thinks they are friends, but he is the tortie's archnemesis, she's pretty sure. xD
Yes! That's interesting regarding your character and his faith - I play a healer off and on who has a similar backstory. He was part of a war with...
My name is Scott, and I've been roleplaying for longer than I care to say. xD (long enough that I never outgrew "xD") More seriously, and on the...