Welcome to RPGfix!
I seriously hate introducing myself, I'm bad at it and I tend to come off...strange? I don't know how to explain it, so i'm just going to do a...
Tella has submitted a site to the directory: What Lies Between - A small town in Washington State, hidden by witch wards, so the Parakind can live...
As a site owner this is the worse feeling in the word to watch your member activity drop, but sadly there isn't much you can do when it comes to...
[IMG] Yes this is what i really look like, TV and all. XD
I have to say the community. I like to be drawn in and make friends that's one of the big beauties of Roleplaying is making lifelong friends.
Honestly I'm weak to dumb puns. (Seriously there is something wrong with me.) Or something creative and funny, but i prefer ones that make sense...
Currently I use C-box, but when our premium goes out I might bring up a poll to see if everyone would rather us go to discord.
I'm posting here because I need this help too, I've started an RP site (I've been roleplying for a long time, this is also not the first site I...
Along time ago, I never used any extras on a site mainly because I didn't know how. But now I've built a site with the option to use most of these...
For me to consider a site for a potential rp site I tend to take a look at how busy the site looks, not in the sense of activity (Though a few...
I prefer jcink, but I have been to a few good proboard sites. Jcink just seems to have a bit more of a code flow and its a bit easier to add and...
I was going through sites looking for directories to hopefully build my roleplay site