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Squishy24601 has submitted a site to the directory: The Fair Folk of Elfame - A fragile peace. A messenger's curse. Will harmony reign? Learn...
What are your opinions on darker themes in RPG's? Themes typically deemed as taboo? Do you enjoy exploring them? Do they make you uncomfortable?...
Unless my headache is very severe, I write every day.
I'm a huge fan of meaningful names, so I will usually take a notable quality the character possesses and look for names in the native language of...
There are certain characters I LOVE to mess with, and then there are characters I dare not touch a hair on their precious little heads...it's...
I spend more time in the world(s) of my characters than I do in this one. 21 hours a week doesn't even cover it because that would be under two...
More times than I can count! The ones I like always have a funny habit of getting resurrected, but that's in the fantasy roleplay my friend and I...
Yes. I've never seen the harm in this. It is their writing experience and if they want to write as the same character that is their choice.
Where is your favourite place to write? I am currently writing in my bedroom under a weighted blanket. My room is filled with very stran objects...
Okay, yes, I'm absolutely obsessed with musicals. Does anyone here feel the same way, and have you ever participated in a roleplay based on a...
I personally think ads can do more harm than good, since people might post your ad on their site if you have their ad on yours. I've never thought...