Welcome to RPGfix!
My method of design isn't so different from the OP's, but the biggest issue I run into is wondering if my concept is even going to get off the...
I'm having an issue with the structure of my board's classification system, really struggling to really find what is best and clicks, and I...
Currently playing FF13, to get to FF13-2 (both of which I've started but not finished in the past) FFX to get to FFX-2 (same deal) Persona 2,...
I'm in my avvy, but also... [IMG]
I try to pick titles that I could image the character saying. Like, if it were the episode title in the forum's series, and the character narrated...
I hate creating very obvious main character complexes in the communities I'm apart of, and I think monthly awards/spotlights can put a chip on...
Google is my bestie.