Welcome to RPGfix!
Recent-ish picture of me c: [ATTACH]
This makes me so happy! <3 I'm so proud of our site, thank you for the recognition!
shiny little diamond <3 love this new feature
Yay! :D
Congrats! :D
Hello Ammut! Welcome to the site, I loveee your avatar! So awesomeee *_*
Welcome to the 'fix! Canada ftw! :) Enjoy the site ^_^
I love chinese chews (in the cookie form) they're so nummy and moist lol ^_^
I'm not playing anything right now, BUUUUUT I'm enjoying watching TheHunterWild play Life is Strange :) it's crazy good
:) getting sleepy, but powering through it
I have a hedgehog named Squiggles :) and my work has a fish named Winston
I use tumblr a little (not at much cause of work lol except during tv season), but mostly fb and twitter
I love coffee, I drink it on the regular, I do love me a vanilla chai latte tho :)
^_^ [IMG]
I really only watch a few streamers, one in particular, it's a nice break from reality plus depending on the streamer, the community is nice :)