Welcome to RPGfix!
Welcome! I'm a new face around here too. Good to see others joining up!
Thanks! Glad to be here!
I've got a Facebook page for my site. I've got a personal Twitter account that I use to promote the game (and rant about various things). And I've...
I've started developing audio re-enactments of OtherSpace scenes for my YouTube channel. Enjoying it so far!
Doing the same for Lost Worlds! Thanks! :)
otherspacer has submitted a site to the directory: OtherSpace: Jointhesaga - Your worlds. Your stories. Now in Slack! Learn more about this site...
NASA today announced the discovery of seven Earth-sized terrestrial planets - three of them in the habitable zone of a red dwarf, one of those...
Which ones? I'm guessing "MUSH" and "Slack?" MUSH: Multi-user Shared Hallucination. Basically, just a roleplay-focused derivative of old-school...
Not even on Netflix?
I spend a lot of time on both Twitter and Facebook. I've actually linked my Twitter account to make posts on Facebook.
I've been roleplaying since the 1970s, when I chased my little brother around the backyard shouting "Bang! Bang!" and blasting him with my...
Water or tea. I cannot tolerate coffee. Period. Never have liked it.
I am very partial to space opera/sci-fi (I grew up a fan of Star Trek and Star Wars before growing up to love Babylon 5), although I've also...