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molzify has submitted a site to the directory: Appleby - Post Zombie Apoc set in rural England Learn more about this site...
I have just started Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix and its good but I find the female lead Sheila (played by Drew Barrymore) very irritating in...
Ben & Jerry's One Love its banana base with cookie swirled through and dark chocolate pieces and I have a horrible feeling it was only a limited...
Forum, that way there's records of what has been said and done by my characters as I am notoriously forgetful.
Both, you cannot make me choose! ;) They both have their individual charms :D
It depends, sometimes I have it flat and describe what my character is doing, other times its song lyrics that describe how my character(s) are...
My uncle bought the original Sims for my grandma who let me play and I was hooked! I missed out on Sims 2 but got Sims 3 and I'm hopelessly in...
On/off for about ten years XD I was 10 when I discovered a wildly inappropriate RP on voy forums. I've been rping consistently for about 4 years...
I'm at university so I don't live with my pets but I have a nearly two-year-old toy cockerpoo called Monty who lives with my father and stepmother...
I like post-apocs because of the whole survival element and the range of RPs which can fit under that (zombies/nucleur apoc etc.) I also enjoy a...
Thank you very much! :)
Hi there! I'm Mollie, a 20-year-old university student from England. My favourite RP genres are; animal-based, fantasy and post-apoc. Nice to...