Welcome to RPGfix!
I've been kicking this idea around for a while and I'm finally ready to do an interest check. So I read this article about how China is trying to...
Lolotte has submitted a site to the directory: The Draft - arranged marriages in a crapsack future Learn more about this site...
When I redid the skins for my board I tried to make them as mobile-friendly as possible i.e. using em for font sizes instead of px, coding a skin...
I never really got into MUDs, but my wife admins one and loves them.
I'm not a huge fan of Proboards but if the site had a good concept I'd give it a chance. I generally prefer jcink or self-hosted sites, though. I...
Two words: ad blitz. I also like to look at my board. What's working, what's not, what fixes could I make to make the lore more accessible to...
I love dystopian settings. Especially dystopian settings where everything looks perfect at first...but on a closer look, no, no it's not. I've...
I'm shameless and will accept 99% of affiliate requests that come my way. My only requirements are that the site be open for at least a month.
I have a corgi, a pug, three cats, and a handful of chickens.
Eighteen years. Which is really weird for me. My first RPG was a Cats Musical RP played over an e-mail list. That makes me really old in...
I cannot stand hover anything, or miniprofiles with lots of mandatory gif fields. Definitely code your text with em instead of px. I've been...
I honestly don't care and don't have time or energy to police what people do outside of my site. Also I'm totally one of those people who will...
I've been removed for inactivity. I think most boards that prune inactive members make that known.