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liayda has submitted a site to the directory: Aëron Legacy - Medieval Fantasy RP Learn more about this site...
Medieval Fantasy RP For 1500 years, Aëron has basked in The Age of Peace following the devastating Great War that nearly destroyed the realm. The ancient, arcane powers that once threatened the land have long since faded from mortal memory. But now, whispers from...
Recently ive been using random name generator!!
Medieval fantasy has always been a big one for me. Or some type of super powers! I love magic
Not being picky enough about members fitting into culture~!
Cats win everytime
I started under 13, and now I'm turning 30 in a few months! Took a long break in between of about 10-15 years
I think i was just curious about warriors cats websites and found one that was a roleplay, i thought that was interesting and signed up for a...
almost voted for meat space because... meat but in reality, its forum play by posts haha
I like templates that match the sites template colors and looks clean/minimal.
I find it easier to use a real life face claim
Hey welcome!1 I'm new too!