Welcome to RPGfix!
It definitely wasn't like that a year ago. Since Adobe, Procreate, and Corel all have their own palette makers I haven't used it in awhile ;]
Kingbird has submitted a site to the directory: Under the Wings - A Noncanon Dragonriders of Pern RPG Learn more about this site...
Welcome! :D
Tea, usually. Unless it's below zero and I'm running on not enough sleep. Then there's nothing like a hot coffee, I think.
I pretty much play on Lioden now, though I used to play Flight Rising as well!
I definitely use dark themes, overall. "High contrast" skins tend to give me a pretty ugly headache, so I do appreciate skins where it's not black...
My fiance and I have been playing the new Smash Bros together, trying to unlock everything, haha. On my own though, I've been playing Breath of...
I tend to be one of those people who feels bad if I do one thing before another task that is more "important". But then I might be stuck on the...
Kingbird submitted a new resource: ColourLovers - Produce color palettes & patterns This is a palette resource that lets you upload images and...
This is a palette resource that lets you upload images and generate color palettes from them. You can also create repeating patterns....
this is super nifty!
Yes!! My partner and I currently have 2 cats (Midna & Zelda), a leopard gecko (Mister), a female betta (Tiamat) and two snails (Stripes &...
One of my co-admins started following relevant twitter accounts, and y'all's was one of them!