Welcome to RPGfix!
I use the Affinity Suite (Designer, Photo, Publisher), depending on the project type.
I would have to say that Discord is definitely a double-edged sword when it comes to forum communities. It's just so much easier to sit in there...
Since the Cretaceous period... I mean, since late 1990's... hehe.
I've done a lot of roleplaying in Guild Wars 1 when it first came out, and it was a lot of fun since our guild was a roleplaying guild, so they...
Well, given that without a reliable host a community would not exist (or eventually cease to exist), I think hosting is of fundamental importance....
Vampires and Elves are my favorite fantasy creatures.
Sci-fi/fantasy and historical fiction.
I play all the classic games: Chess, Checkers, Rummy, Hearts and recently, I've become addicted to Beatstar - a fun music game.
I have a weird relationship with all 3. I like tea best but oddly enough I haven't drunk it since my college years. Water I tend to drink all day...
I love any ice cream with nuts in it... so Butter Pecan definitely makes the cut. A close runner up is Neapolitan.
Def. a dog person - although I admire cats greatly (I've 2 cats and 1 dog, currently). A dog usually gives his love and devotion freely, but with...
It's a tie between Akita and Belgian Malinois, for me. :dogface:
If you mean the same name, appearance, personality - then yes. Of course, the bio or character history has to be edited to fit whatever new RP...
I would recommend The Originals - if you're into Vampires and supernatural kind of stuff. Great cast, great scenery (who doesn't love the French...
I can't wait to see the last installment of the Hobbit trilogy. :)