Welcome to RPGfix!
Instagram, because I like taking idealistic pictures. Facebook because... all the invites for events are on there! And so easy to share my pics.
Stay at home mom; I homeschool my daughter and make and sell gnome crafts haha.
We had a really fun group turnout on our board for a "Yule Party" in our AU area, so characters from across the board could all interact together...
This depends on the character I'm writing... I get into patterns. Almost always it is related to the plot of the thread; not just random, but...
Neopets message boards was my first step! Lots of fun little one liners when I was in middle school, branching out to 3-4 liners on the guilds. I...
Nope the host doesn't bother me as long as it's simple enough for me to figure out! I am a fan of proboards with all the accounts on different...
1) I have SPD so I need to be able to easily read with the color scheme and it can't give me a migraine. Can't be too much 'busy' on the screen. I...
I was a bit stubborn with Discord 3 months ago when my site members told me we should get a server... the other admin had never used it either so...
I don't know exaaaaactly. I started on Neopets prooobably 17 or 18 years ago! :o But my first forum RP was on suddenlauch right after I was...
My characters tend to be original but I base them off of all sorts of things meshed together and I like to put them in my fandom world so of...
Fantasy! My favorite is certainly Tolkien fandom but I've done Harry Potter. I love Medievalesque too :)
Hello! Searching about for some new directories! I've been in the RP game for about 15 years now... crazy it's been that long haha... half my...