Welcome to RPGfix!
I think that issue is that most players are insanely picky folk. They have two or three genres they want to play in, and if your not the genre...
Totally agreed. I'm in kinda the same boat. I have a handful of friends I started RPing with who stuck around but... without fresh blood and new...
Admittedly I'm lucky to get 1 new player a year... and that's with me doing 20 some sites like this every 3 months.
If I could get into forums, I would even think about that... but I am lousy at checking external things. ><;;
YAY, its always good to see another Yahoo Group mod!^_^
Yeah, admittedly I can't get into that either. I jokingly call them "tea and crumpets" posts. Just sitting there shooting the shit can be boring.
Totally are. They have what is called Yahoo Groups. It has an actual forum board online incase that's how players prefer to do their RPing but it...
How?! Hit Netflix, or hell Hulu, gobs of free anime. Go. Feast.^^
Actually I use yahoo groups for all of mine so we're not all dead yet! I totally agree with you in that I love that the access is easy and allows...
Yeah I love MS as a lining tool, for one thing the correction control on curves makes things look so much smoother!
I've only ever run things via Yahoo Groups. I have a short attention span for scrolling down 50 miles of text on a forum board. I like things to...
I think the timing on a reveal is based in what the character is good for. Are they a short term antagonist meant to stir up the hornets nest?...
I cry that your stuff is forum based! I would totally jump on this if not for the fact I have a lousy memory for forums >>
I actually use Manga Studio EX for my line work and then export it as a PSD to color in photoshop.
I'm pretty new and have yet to get any members, but I totally agree that it probably boils down to how active you are and how anything that gets...