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circe has submitted a site to the directory: Mischief Managed - A Play by Post HP AU RPG Learn more about this site...
For me, the winner is always the community. Being able to actively plot, most and interact with like minded rp'ers always sends me to my happy...
I absolutely adore villains with understandable motivations. Particularly ones who believe they're doing something for the greater good only to...
I use a combination of song titles, lyrics, favourite quotes and if they don't work I try to use word associations with the threads key themes! :)
Fandom RPGS for sure, considering I've written on 3 different HP based RP sites in the past 10 years. I gravitate towards canon times or shortly...
I've never had to write a character death, but I created a character recently with the intention of her stirring a little malice and then having...
Bonafide tea drinker. Never had the palate for coffee! Love the smell but can't get past the bitterness
I can't wait for Civil War and Suicide Squad. AND maybe finding dory cause <3
I've a yorkshire terrier, but I'd love a big dog once I've the space for them!
Mostly Facebook but a lot of tumblr - more than I'd like to admit :P
I found it through Forumroleplay.com while looking for ways to advertise my Play by Post HP RPG
Hi There! I'm Circe, an admin for Miscief Managed, a play by post Harry Potter RPG. I've been rp'ing for almost ten years and handled a world of...