Welcome to RPGfix!
Live long and prosper, fellow Trekkie!
...Wow. There are actual D&D communities left? Welcome Nano!
I used to be an Ingress player like you But then I took a Fearow to the knee!
Aye! I remember Anodyne's SMS Beta!
I don't normally think about this kind of thing, though this topic was brought up on a topic in a fleet forum last year, and I like to think about...
I've written a few PC, and many NPC deaths. I've tended to notice people seem to find the reactions to those deaths more hard to read without...
Fair enough.
Mean! I'm an Eeveelutions trainer, TYVM!
#TeamMystic Represent!
I use Web hosting Canada(WHC.ca), who offers fairly competitive hosting pricing for those of us north of the border. Many U.S. users have noted...
Wolfie's skins aren't just reactive, they're quite amazing, and they adapt fantastically to mobile access of the site, especially when paired with...
Hello, I'm Yuna, AKA Commander Alexis Applewood(A name that makes people crave Bacon), a Commanding Officer in Pegasus Fleet. I also privately...
I have played Ingress(Apparently playing Resistance isn't highly looked upon... XD), and currently play Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Final Fantasy...