Welcome to RPGfix!
MY LOVE, MY BABE, MY CO <3 <3 <3 Welcome baby <3
AQUA MY BABE <3 Awwww you're using the image I made you I'm so proud ;~;
I totally get this! I used to join a few communities at a time or even one every so often even though I didn't have the time for that! I've...
Kinda. Places like icy boards are kinda a combination and are limiting in what can be done for free where as like mybb and phpbb have a lot more...
I noticed there seems to be a little bit of a confusion in here? There are two different kind of hosts being talked about. The first is the...
My outside life is actually attending school for a degree in graphic design! I usually average around 12+ hours a week in classes and then there's...
Hello and welcome to RPGFix! Advertising can be kinda tedious and it doesn't seem as fruitful nowadays, but you gotta stick with it. Some places...
Welcome Cal!! Glad to have you on board here ^^
I'm not sure if you have this with registration but if you have them answer a simple question like "what is 1+1" that usually prevents a lot of...
Thanks Sith! 8D <3
Which I totally understand. Dreamweaver is a complete headache and I personally prefer to use a program called Brackets just because it's a lot...
My site isn't too old at the moment, but even still I've noticed that a lot of my members have gotten more involved with interacting with each...
The culture has changed since people now have access to the web via phones and tablets. It's unfortunate for those that need to keep updating and...
Omg is he yours???? That's an amazing picture of him!! Ohhh nice!! That's an insane amount of members x.x So I could only imagine how much chaos...
Omg this thread. I'm a graphic design student and the first thing about web that we learn is that you must build responsively. Every website you...