New Profile Posts

  1. Major Tom
    Major Tom
  2. Dabony
    Doing excessive roleplaying
  3. Shriker
    Shriker AfterDarkRoleplay
    You are welcome to go elsewhere if you dislike our moderation and spam prevention process.
    1. AfterDarkRoleplay
      That's a bit rude to say, I simply asked why you moderated new threads/posts for new users for as long as you do, there are plenty of ways to combat spambots within Xenforo without the need to manually approve every post, it's more work on your moderation staff than anything else.
      Aug 26, 2019
    2. Shriker
      Just the first post needs to be moderated, and generally, we do not work weekends.
      Aug 26, 2019
  4. Rowena Ravenclaw
    Rowena Ravenclaw
    In Plain Sight is searching for a promotions moderator, let me know if you want to join our awesome team!
  5. Somniac
    Somniac Lancar
    Re: conversation in Inactivity thread -
    That makes a lot more sense with the Discord aspect since one would have to actively leave that. I've never drifted off a site that I had a non-closed or inactive thread in that also had a Discord.
  6. Nevermind
    Nevermind Dao Ma
    You're the absolute best.
  7. Rune
    Life, slow down please.
  8. Lancar
  9. Kitticarus
    Kitticarus Zioa
    Hey! :D You said we have a shared acquaintance? I'm curious to know who!
  10. Pegasus
    Pegasus Archivist
    Thank you for liking our site!!
  11. Shriker
    Shriker caitlynn cuttic
    Welcome to RPGfix!
  12. Shriker
    Shriker Monroe
    Welcome to RPGfix!
  13. eshye
  14. Pegasus
    Pegasus DinoRaptor
    Hi there! Thanks for liking our site!!
  15. Brittlez
    Brittlez Verridith
    -smacks with a stick-
    1. Verridith likes this.
    2. Verridith
      ROOD AF - but! hey! YOU LOGGED IN! 8D
      Dec 31, 2018
      Brittlez likes this.
  16. Shriker
    Shriker Graivey
    Hey! Welcome to RPGfix.
  17. BobbyB
  18. Verridith
    Verridith Elffri3nd
    Welcome, my friend!
  19. Brittlez
    I got threatened with a stick
    1. Verridith likes this.
    2. Verridith
      -holds the stick- :D
      Dec 31, 2018
  20. BobbyB
    To all SCRP voters: THANK YOU for your love and support through voting <3 We wouldn't be where we are today without it. Stay awesome!