Unicorns Visions

Freeform Open Fantastasy Roleplaying

Deep Forest is much more than a mere forest, for it is no coincidence that so many creatures have been called here from across the multiverse to these seemingly ordinary woods. From the Wastes that surround the outer portions of the forest, through the Forest itself, to the River and into the eves of the eerily glowing Silvertree Grove, and even within the Meadow of Peace and the Swamps at the foot of the Boundary Mountains, good and evil alike find home and forge bonds of friendship and enmity here. This forest is so much more than a forest, it is a realm of fantasy, magic, and mystery. Hidden within the land, beneath it's colossal trees, lies a darkness, and a Destiny, that these creatures share, weather it be for good or ill, and should the past ever reclaim the present all shall be lost, not just for this world, but potentially for all of reality.

Futures and lives are written and experienced in a post by post fashion as we write together for the inhabitants of Deep Forest. While Unicorn's Visions may not allow human-kind, there is a vast amount of extraordinary creature's within its confines. Fantastic creatures only limited by the imagination (good of heart or with evil intent), all find a reason to stay and a goal to pursue. From ghosts to giants, fey to demons, from wolves to unicorns, from dragons to fallen angels, and from aliens to the members of the undead, UV provides a safe, well managed, and respectfully fun atmosphere. Featuring a main website, we host a gallery for our users, a blog area, and a chat where you can come in, socialize, and ask questions when needed.

So come join us on our journey as we learn the truth about Deep Forest and what can be found beneath the trees.