Rogue Isle Animal Rp

Semi-realistic animal RPG

Set on an island in the Pacific Northwest, Rogue Isle is a free-for-all styled semi-realistic animal RPG open to the public. Unlike conventional RPGs, Rogue Isle does not require sign-up or administrator acceptance to be able to play; instead, visitors may come and go as they wish with no formal obligation to stay.

Since the idea is to be as open as unrestricted as comfortably possible, Rogue Isle lacks a specific plot line that must be followed, though extreme environmental affects (such as hurricanes, drought, etc.) may be added in the future. In this way, visitors may craft their own independent stories and interactions with others without necessary interference. Run with newfound friends, clash with aggressors, or go your own way!

Though we classify as teen-based because of possible content on the site, we invite role players of all styles and levels to participate. New role players need not worry: they are very much welcome, and resources will be available on-site to guide them through the process.