Rains of Fire

Rains of Fire is a Dark Fantasy Wolf Roleplay. Our wolves can have wings, mertails, beast forms, and powers!

Our story revolves around a wolf pack, each with the ability to change their physical forms as well as possess individual powers. Some of these wolves can sprout wings and take to the skies- others can morph into lykocampuses (merwolves), and some can transform into ancient beasts. Every physical class has its own roles to make the pack stronger and diversity is abundant.

Their home is to the east of the continent, atop a series of floating islands, behind a looming forest which lies on the edge of a raised peninsula, overlooking the sea. The pack uses the forest and plains on the other side of it for their hunting grounds, as well as prey found in the sky above and waters below.

The pack has lived there peacefully for centuries, but now a new threat is upon them- a mutinous battle broke out in the northeastern mountains where the clan of dragons resides. The dragons have never been hostile in the past, but the division has caused the outcasts to seek a new territory far from the reaches of their brethren. The wolves' lands are ideal- bountiful, secluded, and a prime location where sneak attacks are virtually impossible given the peninsula's geography. Every day the dragons fly ever nearer to the floating islands, plotting their infiltration carefully and strategically. The wolves must prepare to defend their homelands, but that's not the only problem.

{what else could go wrong?}
A sickness has seeped into the lands, originating from the tribe of Hellhounds which reside in the southwestern wastelands. Hellhounds so seldom left their borders that no one was sure if they even existed anymore. Many thought them only to be a myth. However, all it takes is one bite to spread the chaos. One rogue wandering into a land of paradise can plant the seed that will cause destruction. The only way to slow to the fatality of the disease is to feed off of healthy wolf blood, so the body has an involuntary trigger to hunt down its own kind. The host wolf is unconscious during this so remembers nothing. Symptoms are slow to show and the virus is drawn out. With each feasting upon their brethren, part of their soul slips away in exchange for continued physical life. Long term effects of the disease include lower sense of morality, senseless acts of violence (however small), claws and fangs growing at an accelerated rate, their tongue begins to split at the tip into a fork shape, small bumps forming along the spine under the fur which will later grow into spikes, excessive scratching and tufts of fur falling out to reveal their skin turning into a reptilian-like hide, and perpetual nightmares that can grow into illusions while the host is awake. Eventually they become consumed by corruption and turn into Hellhounds themselves, never to rest peacefully in the realms of Etheria (the sacred grounds of paradise wolves go to in the afterlife).

At that point, they leave the pack and become rogues, or join the others in the wastelands.