Oceanic 815


It has been forty eight days since the crash of Oceanic Flight 815 and as the days pass a conflict grows between the survivors and the Others. The continued clash between faith and science in their ventures has caused violence between the two groups. At the heart of the adversity are the tail-section survivors who have recently shown up at the survivors’ camp with Jin and Sawyer in tow.


With Charles Widmore’s freighter showing up a few miles away from the island, the Others have become desperate to get Benjamin Linus back from the survivors of Flight 815. Since Michael Dawson’s return to camp with news that the Others are virtually defenseless, battle plans to raid the Others camp are in the works. Rumors of more hatches being on the island have started to spread and as a result more mysteries have arisen. With a barbaric war brewing who will you side with?

This is a Lost role-playing board which starts in an alternate Season 2 during the episode ‘Two for the Road’. We are a friendly site that allows both Original Characters and Canon Characters.