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Character Wanted Welcome to my Wicked World

Discussion in 'Wanted Classifieds' started by Sage_Xalcen, Mar 4, 2025.

  1. Sage_Xalcen

    Sage_Xalcen Newcomer

    So because it is fun this will be where I put the want ads for characters as I think of them.

    So of course we need Audrey. Current relationship status is together with Ben. Now, Ben is currently looking for a nonhostile way out. Downside is he is kind of too nice for his own good in terms of just ripping the band-aid off and breaking up with her. So he is kind of hoping they just slowly break up or she calls it off. Now wether she has realized this or not is up to you but I suspect sooner or later someone will come along and cause chaos that does the job.

    Cryos is looking for souls to recruit. There are a couple ways he could do this. One is a straight up deal. One is through trickery of some form. Also an Elsa because he would shamelessly hit on her.

    Of course we need Jack's sister. Since this is pre-time alter their mom is, well, kind of a tyrant.

    Also we are going to do a bit an odder request. I am wanting Duchess' daughter here. Kind of taking cues from the syfy Alice a bit I am thinking that Queen of Hearts ordered Duchess to have her daughter keep an eye on Jack and make sure he more or less sticks in her version of in-line. Now I imagine fear is part of it, but her motives can be up to you.

    If any of these interest you, you can reach me at discord, Xalcen. Alternatively I check the site Cbox and Discord regularly. If you like the concept but have an idea of your own I am always available on that.
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