Tis I, the great and mighty Helix!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Helixagon, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Helixagon

    Helixagon Resident Game Owner

    If any of you are currently watching the twitch TV Pokemon stream ... my name is just coincidental, I've had it for years now. :P

    I'm Greg, RPG aficionado (both in videogame and roleplay form, and special purveyor of those that straddle the line). I run the Omniverse which is a pretty sweet site, and which should hopefully be up on yon directory shortly. So uh ... hello.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hey Greg! Welcome! That Twitch Pokemon stream has been pretty amusing. :) I've been catching bits and pieces of it.
  3. Draegon

    Draegon Newcomer

    Hi Greg! Welcome to RPGFix! I haven't watched Pokemon since the first bunch of Pokemon (it was actually banned in my family's home - my mother decreed it to be a fad that would go out of style... how wrong she was). Though I suppose she was partly right as when I grew older I lost interest XD

    I've heard of your site (I think I've peeked at it a few times). It's nicely set up :)
  4. Helixagon

    Helixagon Resident Game Owner

    The twitch TV Pokemon is actually a weird ongoing social experiment. It crossed my mind when I made the title because there is a weird cult that has popped up around the Helix Fossil.

    And thanks :D
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