Supernatural: The way it's supposed to be.

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Morrigan, Nov 2, 2013.

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  1. Morrigan

    Morrigan Resident Game Owner


    Canon/Role requested

    Jonas McMillan
    Playby: Hugh Jackman
    Clan: Player Choice
    Requested for: Site Canon
    Information: As the Sheriff of the Kindred's Prince of London, Jonas McMillan is privy to a lot of information others are not. He is one of the Prince's oldest acquaintances and therefore deeply trusted. Jonas is one of few who are aware of Tonka's real identity as the Prince of London, and he's sworn to take the secret to his grave - an event that would come around quicker if he let his tongue slip.

    On top of being the hand that sets in motion the Prince's justice, he is also a bit of a father figure to the Kindred child-woman. She both resents and respects him for this, and their relationship is a special and strange one, even by Kindred standards.

    Vivienne Barnes

    Playby: Lucy Lui
    Affiliation: Player Choice
    Requested for: Site Canon
    Information: Vivienne Barnes is the current supervisor of an upcoming exhibition at the British Museum in London. It's the first time she is given the opportunity to take on such a huge responsibility, and a great chance for her to further her career at the institution.

    One of the objects she has handpicked for the exhibition has been subject to numerous rumours both from the old overseers at the Louvre in France, and amongst her own crew. Some go as far as to saying the object is cursed, a claim Vivienne refuses to believe in. That her employees seem to be haunted by terrible nightmares says more about them than it does about the piece, and she suspects they might be wanting to sabotage her. The claim is simply ludicrous!

    Due to her recent divorce, Vivienne takes sleeping pills in order to sleep at night, and reports not having dreamt since she started on the medication.

    Aldo Cline

    Playby: John de Lancie
    Seeming: Darkling
    Requested for: Site Canon
    Information: Cunning, witty and street-smart, Mr Aldo Cline sports a sinister sense of humour and have even blacker intentions for those Lost that happen to run across him. As means of staying free himself, he has banded together with the True Fae and works as a Privateer for them by capturing and sending back unsuspecting Changelings.

    Aldo's crimes are not known in any of the Freeholds as he has a talent for concealing things. Though he is not generally trusted, he is not suspected for any vile deeds. He prefers it to stay that way, as his whole life is in jeopardy if his cover is blown.

    Giselle Blanchard

    Playby: Karen Gillan
    Affiliation: Player Choice
    Requested for: Site Canon
    Information: Sister of Michelle, Kieran and Gabrielle and the second youngest child of Geneviéve and Marek Blanchard. Born in Reims 1988, Giselle Blanchard is French by birth. Parents moved to England in 1992, and was mysteriously murdered when Giselle was fifteen years old. After their parents' death, older sister Michelle took the siblings in to live with her in London.

    Relations between the four siblings are good and the family is very close, but Giselle have lately been dropping out of contact with the others. Her siblings don't know what's been going on with her, and are looking for her. She's been missing for a while now, which is very unlike her.

    Foster Bowles

    Playby: Cillian Murphy
    Lineage: Osiris
    Requested for: Site Canon
    Information: Invested in mystical objects that might help him attain humanity, Foster Bowles has dedicated his life to tracking such things down and investigating them. His latest obsession, a strange box of unknown origin, has led him in a wild goose-chase around the world. Now he believes it's in London, due to the recent reports he's received. Only problem is, so is his crush.

    Due to Disquiet, Foster is a slightly awkward man. The only contact he has had with his crush is through phone-calls, texts and e-mailing. What started out as a search for more intel on the mystical box he's tracking turned into a flirt over the web. Now he's caught between a rock and a hard place. If she found out he's in London, Jezabelle69 would insist on a meet-up. He can't lose track of the Box, however.

    Terrified he'll end up messing either of his two passions up, Foster needs to make up his mind. The world could depend on it.

    Elliott Fullerton

    Playby: Javier Bardem
    Lineage: Frankenstein
    Requested for: Site Canon
    Information: Elliott Fullerton is a big, fear-inspiring man who easily towers over most people. These traits make him ideal in his preferred line of business, which is that of guarding or intimidating people. He transferred to British Museum recently and applied for the position as a night guard. Since Elliott has fine credentials from the Louvre, there was no issue for him to be hired, even though he does exude a strange aura.

    This night guards application coincided with the move of an object from his previous work place to his current. Rumour has it he worked at the Louvre during the ill-fated exhibition there, showing up and departing with it.

    Lauretta Brogan

    Playby: Elizabeth Hurley
    Guild: Player Choice
    Requested for: Site Canon
    Information: Lauretta is another of London's sanctuary holders, her location is one of the more seedy locations unlike the nice locations of her other Lilin counterparts; an escort service. in Soho She knows well that being in the limelight can cause more issues so she stays in the darkness where she knows she can disappear easily.

    Lauretta, like Violet is well known for getting people in touch with others depending on their needs. Unlike Violet her price isn't expensive things, her price varies and is always dependent on how far she has to go to get what the person will need.
    Nico Selvaggio

    Playby: Alexander Skarsgård
    Guild: His Tenebrae
    Requested for: Site Canon
    Information: Nico is the owner of Cambrion Funeral Services and brother to Violet Selvaggio. This pair has been inseperable since birth. As a rare Lilin child, and a rare set of twins on top of that this pair is oddly in tune with one another. So much so they normally know before the other one arrives how the other one is feeling.

    Nico is known as the nice one and this is for a multitude of reasons. Of the two of them Violet was the needier sibling when they were younger and she almost killed him out of need for that other part of her soul. When she got to it she refrained and since then she has pushed against that desire and pushed away from him.

    Nico and Violet are the well known Hans and Greta from the story of Hansel and Gretel, their mother being the Crone and their father being the lumber jack. These two were said to have never been seen again despite the way the Grimm tales tell it.

    Lastly Violet and Nico's relationship has taken an odd turn for the pair in the past century. As stated before they were always a close pairing, Violet decidedly pushing against the needs to consume the remaining part of her soul by love interests throughout the decades. Unfortunately this has caused Nico's interests in her to pique, his desire for her becoming more then for a sister proven by a kiss that they shared around 1900. After that short moment Violet pushed harder against him and ignored the feelings she herself had for him. Now he yearns for something more finding that envy fills him while she is with other partners, including her husband that she is trying to have a fledgling with.

    Other notes?: We opened today [October 31st, 2013], and have a lot of smashing site canons open They are available here!
  2. Morrigan

    Morrigan Resident Game Owner

    Bumping! We are still looking!
  3. Morrigan

    Morrigan Resident Game Owner

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